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En la última década, las posibilidades que ofrecen hoy las TIC han aumentado drásticamente la exposición de los estudiantes a diversos textos digitales que utilizan o a los que están expuestos cuando adquieren una lengua extranjera. Los medios impresos se han visto complementados o incluso a veces sustituidos por los medios digitales en todos los niveles de la enseñanza, incluidos los planes de estudio de la enseñanza superior y universitaria. En los últimos tiempos se han llevado a cabo diversas investigaciones sobre el papel de los medios digitales en la adquisición de L2 y este artículo pretende resumir sistemáticamente los resultados de dichas investigaciones, centrándose específicamente en la comprensión lectora. Esta revisión sistemática sigue las directrices PRISMA (Page et al., 2021). Se han recopilado y analizado los estudios de 2010-2021 de Scopus y de Web of Science que tratan el tema. Sólo se han incluido en la búsqueda estudios experimentales en artículos de revistas de investigación revisados por pares. Aplicando este protocolo de revisión, se seleccionaron 15 trabajos para realizar una síntesis. Los resultados se clasificaron en: (a) efecto de los medios en la comprensión lectora, (b) implicaciones pedagógicas, (c) futuras direcciones de investigación. El estudio concluye con algunas discusiones e implicaciones para investigadores y profesionales desde dos perspectivas: la adquisición básica o fundamental de segundas lenguas (FSLA, en sus siglas en inglés) y la adquisición instruida de segundas lenguas (ISLA, en sus siglas inglés).


The current affordances of ICT have – in the past decade – dramatically increased the exposure of students to the number of various digital texts they use or are exposed to when acquiring an additional language. The print media has been supplemented or even sometimes substituted by the digital media at all levels of education, including higher education and university curricula. Various research has recently been conducted into the role of digital media in L2 acquisition and this paper attempts to systematically summarize the results of this research, with a specific focus on reading comprehension. This systematic review follows the PRISMA guidelines (Page et al., 2021). The 2010-2021 studies from Scopus and the Web of Science dealing with the topic have been collected and analysed. Only experimental studies in peer-reviewed research journal papers have been included in the search. By applying this protocol review, 15 papers were selected for a synthesis. The results were classified as: (a) effect of media on reading comprehension, (b) pedagogical implications, (c) future research directions. The study concludes with some discussion and implications for researchers and practitioners from two perspectives: basic or fundamental Second Language Acquisition (FSLA) and instructed Second Language acquisition (ISLA).

VV. AA. (2013)

The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors.

The first version of WALS was published as a book with CD-ROM in 2005 by Oxford University Press. The first online version was published in April 2008.

The 2013 edition of WALS corrects a number of coding errors especially in Chapters 1 and 3. A full list of changes is available  here.

Starting with the 2013 edition of WALS, we will release and publish sets of corrections periodically. Thus, any citation of WALS Online 2013 should include the particular version, as listed on Zenodo.

WALS Online is a publication of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. It is a separate publication, edited by Dryer, Matthew S. & Haspelmath, Martin (Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 2013). The main programmer is Robert Forkel.

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At the turn of the new millennium, in an article published in Language Teaching Research in 2000, Dörnyei and Kormos proposed that ‘active learner engagement is a key concern’ for all instructed language learning. Since then, language engagement research has increased exponentially. In this article, we present a systematic review of 20 years of language engagement research. To ensure robust coverage, we searched 21 major journals on second language acquisition (SLA) and applied linguistics and identified 112 reports satisfying our inclusion criteria. The results of our analysis of these reports highlighted the adoption of heterogeneous methods and conceptual frameworks in the language engagement literature, as well as indicating a need to refine the definitions and operationalizations of engagement in both quantitative and qualitative research. Based on these findings, we attempted to clarify some lingering ambiguity around fundamental definitions, and to more clearly delineate the scope and target of language engagement research. We also discuss future avenues to further advance understanding of the nature, mechanisms, and outcomes resulting from engagement in language learning.

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This study set out to re-examine the effectiveness of study abroad programs in second language (L2) acquisition through a multi-level meta-analysis. Overall, 42 primary studies published between 1995 and 2019 were identified, and in total 283 effect sizes were meta-analysed. This study implemented a three-level random effects model to account for the clustered, mutually dependent effect sizes often nested in the primary studies of L2 study abroad research. The results indicated a medium-to-large effect (g = 0.87) on study abroad language programs. Essentially, the featured moderators in general explained more heterogeneity variances at level 3 (i.e. the between-study level) than at level 2 (i.e. the within study level). For study abroad language learners, language acquisition is optimal when learners, in particular those of a lower proficiency level, take both formal and content-based language courses while living with host families. Learners’ age and pre-program training may not moderate the effectiveness of study abroad language programs. Importantly, this study further established that the length of study abroad programs are positively associated with learners’ language gains, but that an extended and prolonged domestic program does not necessarily lead to such gains. Research and pedagogical implications are further discussed based on the research findings.

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World language teachers have historically relied on the notion of teaching methods to inform elements of design and procedure in their instructional practice. Teacher beliefs about teaching methods, however, have been shown to be significantly influenced by their context, including their institution and their learners. This phenomenon has led some scholars to identify a postmethod condition, where teachers prioritize making responsive, principled decisions about instruction based on their context. This qualitative study investigated the patterns and realities of the postmethod condition in practice through the lens of teacher beliefs about teaching methods, focusing on ten secondary-level world language teachers of French and Spanish in the USA. Data sources included a survey about teaching methods, in-depth interviews, and classroom observations. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, multiple phases of coding, and integrating analysis of the three sources. Findings indicated that teachers in this group largely identified as adhering to one main teaching approach, with eight of the ten self-identifying as using primarily comprehensible input and/or TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) methods. However, through investigating their beliefs about grammar and accuracy; the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking; the importance of input and output; and instructional flow, we found that the teachers examined and reexamined their teaching methods regularly, largely due to the influences of their learners and their institution. The relationship between the teachers’ beliefs and practices was mediated by context-driven instructional decision-making, indicating the presence of a postmethod condition.

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Glossing is a widely used and examined vocabulary learning tool, and one of the major branches of glossing research has compared the relative effects of first language (L1) and second language (L2) glosses on reading comprehension and vocabulary learning. However, the findings in this literature have not been consistent, calling for a comprehensive and systematic review. To this end, we conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the relative effects of L1 and L2 glossing on L2 reading comprehension and L2 vocabulary learning. Based on 78 effect sizes gathered from 26 studies representing 30 independent samples (N = 2,189), we found that L1 glossing was more effective than L2 glossing in general (Hedge’s g = .33, SE = .09, p < .001), but the effect size may vary depending on the target outcome measure. The relative effectiveness of L1 glossing was particularly supported by the results of immediate posttests of vocabulary, rather than delayed posttests of vocabulary and reading comprehension tests. Further, among a few selected moderator variables, the results of meta-regression revealed that learners’ L2 proficiency level significantly influenced the average effectiveness, such that L1 glossing is particularly effective for beginner learners compared to those with intermediate or higher L2 proficiency levels.

Versión digital

El Glosario de términos gramaticales es un recurso didáctico que la Real Academia Española y la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española ponen a disposición de los docentes de lengua de todos los países hispanohablantes. Los objetivos fundamentales de esta obra son los siguientes:

  • Contribuir a mejorar la formación gramatical de cuantos enseñan español en los cursos previos a la universidad.
  • Explicar y justificar la terminología gramatical que puede adaptarse a esos niveles de la enseñanza, así como ayudar a que los docentes la manejen con destreza y propiedad.
  • Mejorar el conocimiento de las estructuras gramaticales y de su relación con los significados que expresan.
  • Simplificar didácticamente las nociones más complejas, aclarar las tradicionales e introducir algunos conceptos modernos, ampliamente usados en la actualidad, que resultan de granutilidad para analizar la gramática de nuestra lengua.
  • Contribuir a que la enseñanza de la gramática constituya una tarea más reflexiva y menos mecánica de lo que a veces resulta ser.

El presente Glosario contiene...

  • definiciones, descripciones y aclaraciones didácticas;
  • abundante ejemplificación;
  • términos cercanos y equivalentes en varios modelos de análisis;
  • términos relacionados conceptualmente con el que se define;
  • presentaciones didácticas en las que se separa sistemáticamente la información fundamental de la complementaria;
  • referencias a cuestiones normativas en los artículos pertinentes;
  • remisiones internas para relacionar unos conceptos con otros;
  • esquemas con clasificaciones detalladas de las clases de palabras y las relaciones sintácticas;
  • tablas que resumen las propiedades morfológicas y sintácticas de muchas voces gramaticales;
  • referencias a los apartados pertinentes de las dos principales gramáticas de referencia del español publicadas en los últimos años.


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Multimodal input – which combines written, auditory, and/or visual modalities – is pervasive in everyday life and could serve as a source of rich input in language teaching. In recent years, research has determined that vocabulary learning is one of the clear benefits of being exposed to such input. Regrettably, only a handful of studies have investigated whether and how second language (L2) teachers approach multimodal input in teaching. To further contribute to the research–practice dialogue, we examined factors that influence L2 teachers’ use of multimodal input in L2 teaching. This qualitative case study presents an in-depth analysis of interview data derived from 21 practitioners in various L2 teaching contexts globally. Following three rounds of data analysis, 24 factors were identified and are presented in four themes. The results indicate that teachers: (1) paid close attention to their students’ needs and goals; (2) drew on their own learning and teaching experiences and training supported by research-based practices; (3) relied on sound pedagogical principles; and (4) faced a number of contextual challenges relevant to their curricula and teaching contexts.

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Classroom studies have shown that learning new vocabulary from reading can be enhanced if the reading task is followed by a word-focused activity, such as a fill-in-the-blank activity. However, little is known about: (1) whether a post-reading word-focused activity can also positively affect vocabulary uptake in out-of-classroom contexts when there is no instructor support, (2) whether vocabulary gains differ based on proficiency levels, and (3) whether awareness of an upcoming post-reading word-focused activity influences learning gains. The present study addresses these issues by having native (high-proficient) or nonnative (L2 high-intermediate) English speakers read a narrative containing 16 recurring non-word target items. Within each proficiency group, one subgroup of participants was instructed that they would be given the word-focused activity after they finished reading, another subgroup was not. Participants then engaged in a word-focused activity that involved either the non-word target items or real words from the narrative. Finally, all participants were given a vocabulary test. We found that, compared to the real-word activity, the target-item activity led to significantly greater vocabulary gains, especially for the L2 high-intermediate learners, regardless of whether or not participants were forewarned of an upcoming word-focused activity.

VV. AA. (2023)

The NFLRC is pleased to announce our new Teaching and Learning Languages in the United States (TELL-US) podcast series. This professional learning series aims to examine language teaching and learning in the U.S. from the perspective of “non-insiders” (i.e., teachers who have had to adapt to the culture of teaching and learning languages in the U.S., having come from a different cultural context). Focusing on two broad categories – language pedagogy and school culture, the goal for this program is to create a professional learning resource for novice LCTL teachers who find themselves teaching in a similar situation. Although the podcasts will focus primarily on the LCTL teacher population, they can also be a valuable resource for any other teachers whose educational formation has taken place outside the U.S. Similarly, the episodes may also provide insights for ELL teachers whose students or students’ parents identify with the cultures of the teachers invited to the show or be helpful to preservice teachers learning the essential tenets of modern world language education in the U.S.

Episode 1: Understanding the American system of education and language education, part 1

Episode 2: Understanding the American system of education and language education, part 2

Episode 3: What is proficiency (proficiency vs. performance)?

Episode 4: Language targets, Can Do statements

Episode 5: Content- and culture-rich target language input that meets and is responsive to the needs of learners

Episode 6: Synthesis, part 1

Episode 7: Synthesis, part 2

This book presents a view of human language as social interaction, illustrating its implications for language learning and second language teaching. The volume advocates for researchers, practitioners, and administrators to rethink and reconceptualize an understanding of language beyond that of the written word to one encompassing social and interactional activity built on co-construction, collaboration, and negotiation. The book emphasizes the ways in which this view of language can shed light on the language learning process as one which draws on discrete linguistic units and constructions in conjunction with a range of temporal, sequential, and embodied resources across a variety of social contexts. In turn, these insights prompt further reflection and discussion on their implications for advancing second language teaching practice. This book will be key reading for scholars interested in second language teaching research, as well as active second language teachers and language program administrators.



Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Research on Language and Interaction Across Disciplines
1.2 Research on Interaction and Second Language Teaching
1.3 On Grammatical Sentences and their Limits
1.4 Action and Sequence: Composition, Position, and Context
1.5 Conclusion

Chapter 2: Understanding interaction
2.1 Basics: Action and Sequence
2.2 Larger Courses of Action
2.3 Why We Talk
2.4 Interaction, Language, and Culture
2.5 Conclusion

Chapter 3: Understanding language learning
3.1 On Learning vs. Teaching
3.2 Language Learning in Children
3.3 Second Language Learning
3.4 Situated Interaction as Driver and Object of Learning
3.5 Language Learning Revisited
3.6 Conclusion

Chapter 4: Understanding interaction in the classroom
4.1 Researching Classroom Interaction
4.2 Shaping Classroom Interaction for Maximizing Learning
4.3 Interaction as Teaching and Learning Target
4.4 Conclusion

Chapter 5: Interaction, language use, and second language teaching
5.1 Main Insights
5.2 Discussion

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Se presenta brevemente la situación de la enseñanza de las locuciones en los manuales de ELE; su tratamiento en dos obras de referencia: el Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza y evaluación, y el Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes; y los aspectos que deberían ser revisados en materiales didácticos. Centrándose en las locuciones verbales, se propone un método de enseñanza-aprendizaje basado en su morfología, en su función sintáctica y en las relaciones semánticas de antonimia e hiponimia-hiperonimia. Se plantea, además, la necesidad de reflexionar sobre su significante y su significado para el estudio de la variación marcada y no marcada, y de los mecanismos de la metáfora y la metonimia en que se basan. El objetivo principal es mostrar un conjunto de reflexiones teóricas, fundadas en la lingüística, útiles para que los profesores de español lengua extranjera enseñen las locuciones verbales en relación con sus características. Se concluye que 1) el conocimiento de la morfología, la sintaxis y la semántica de las locuciones verbales es un apoyo fundamental para alcanzar una competencia fraseológica; 2) la clasificación morfológica y el análisis sintáctico y semántico de las locuciones verbales, por una parte, le permite al profesor presentarlas y trabajarlas de manera organizada y en relación con los contenidos del currículo y, por otra parte, facilita a los alumnos que las aprendan a partir del conocimiento previo de la lengua extranjera y de fenómenos psicológicos universales; y 3) la observación de la variación, de la imagen mental y de los mecanismos de formación de las locuciones verbales, unidades que existen también en la lengua materna del estudiante, es un medio fundamental para adquirir su competencia.

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Las unidades fraseológicas se han ido integrando cada vez más en las nuevas propuestas didácticas dedicadas a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. En el presente estudio se pretende comprobar, específicamente, el tratamiento que podrían estar recibiendo las locuciones verbales en las aulas de ELE a través de los recursos que suelen guiar su planificación curricular, con el fin de observar si estos avances están siendo aplicados. Para ello, se han analizado, en primer lugar, las dos obras de referencia para la planificación docente en ELE: el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL) (2002) y el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC) (2006). De esta manera, se ha evidenciado la escasa sistematicidad y precisión con la que abordan ambas obras la fraseología en general y, particularmente, las locuciones verbales. En segundo lugar, con la finalidad de profundizar en el tratamiento de estas unidades en los recursos de ELE y de comprobar si los manuales siguen las recomendaciones de la obra del Instituto Cervantes, se han extraído las locuciones verbales incluidas en el PCIC para comparar su propuesta curricular con 50 manuales de ELE de nivel intermedio (B1 y B2). Al recoger las unidades de estos últimos, se determinaron aquellas que constituían objetivos específicos de aprendizaje (clasificadas como explícitas) y las que aparecen como consecuencia del empleo natural de la lengua (clasificadas como implícitas). Por un lado, se ha observado que el número de locuciones verbales de enseñanza explícita de los manuales de B2 supera notablemente el observado en los de B1, lo que podría derivar de la sugerencia del PCIC de que la enseñanza de este tipo de unidades se realice a partir de B2. Por otro lado, el grado de correspondencia entre las unidades asignadas a los niveles B1 y B2 por el Instituto Cervantes y las que se incluyen en los manuales es mínimo. Esta apreciación se deriva de que los manuales incluyen, principalmente, locuciones verbales recomendadas para niveles superiores según el PCIC o no recogidas en él.

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Mediante el análisis de siete libros de texto de español L2, pretendemos examinar el enfoque teórico subyacente en las explicaciones de los verbos de afecto en español (por ejemplo, “me fastidia, me encanta”), ya que esta construcción gramatical resulta compleja para un hablante no nativo. Con base en los resultados de la investigación, buscamos proporcionar ejemplos pedagógicos de cómo la lingüística cognitiva puede ser un método ventajoso en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los verbos psicológicos. Los resultados del estudio indican que, aunque todos los materiales didácticos se basan en el paradigma comunicativo clásico, ninguno de ellos ofrece una perspectiva cognitiva para la enseñanza de los verbos psicológicos en las etapas iniciales del aprendizaje o en todo el espectro de las emociones. Esta falta de atención al significado gramatical y al tratamiento sistemático de estas formas lingüísticas se refleja en una descuido de sus aspectos formales, dejando de lado los cambios de significado que ocurren al centrarse en el estímulo o el experimentador. Este enfoque de enseñanza resulta limitado y no aborda adecuadamente la riqueza de significados que estas expresiones pueden transmitir.

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La complejidad semántica y combinatoria de los denominados verbos pseudocopulativos de cambio —ponerse, hacerse, quedarse y volverse— los convierte en formas gramaticales de elevada dificultad, tanto para el aprendiz de ELE, como para el docente, que ha de conocer las pautas de su comportamiento semántico y sintáctico. Su inclusión dentro del inventario gramatical del Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes en los niveles B1 y B2 hace que sean tratados en muchos de los manuales y gramáticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje de español de niveles intermedios. En este trabajo se aborda un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo del tratamiento gramatical que reciben estos verbos en una muestra de materiales, formada por cinco libros de texto de enseñanza de español de nivel intermedio y cinco gramáticas. El análisis descriptivo permite identificar las tendencias metodológicas a la hora de enseñar estas unidades gramaticales y proporciona información sobre el estado actual de los materiales didácticos de español.

