Bibliografía - artículo

This study reports on vocabulary learning through service-learning (SL) where Spanish L2 learners participated in a story-time program with bilingual children. The descriptive, observational, and qualitative analysis of data sources (e.g., journals, vocabulary assessments) describes language learning “sowing” events (van Lier 2000) that supported vocabulary learning/teaching goals: extending learners’ meaningful use of the target language, increasing their usable vocabulary, and equipping them with strategies to take charge of their own lexical development (Nation 2013). Framed through sociocultural perspectives, findings show that learners retained vocabulary targeted through their service as a result of doing with the language in a context in which language exchanges were meaningful, creative, and unscripted. Moreover, the activity’s demands required that learners discover new mediational means, which promoted the evolution of their vocabulary learning strategies from conventional practices to more diversified, complex, and involved ones.


Este estudio describe el aprendizaje de vocabulario de un grupo de estudiantes de español como segundo idioma al participar en un programa de lectura para niños bilingües implementado como un proyecto de aprendizaje a través del servicio. Para el análisis, se examinaron de forma cualitativa varias fuentes de datos a fin de identificar lo que van Lier (2000) calificó como “momentos de siembra” en el proceso de aprendizaje, así como aspectos de la experiencia que fomentaran las metas referidas a la enseñanza del vocabulario (Nation 2013). Los resultados fueron interpretados desde una perspectiva sociocultural y demostraron que los estudiantes retuvieron el vocabulario que les permitió lograr algo por medio de la lengua en un contexto en donde las interacciones lingüísticas fueron significativas, creativas y espontáneas. También, los estudiantes descubrieron nuevos métodos de mediación al incorporar estrategias de aprendizaje más diversas, complejas y aplicadas.

This study investigated differences in students’ foreign language anxiety and foreign language self-efficacy related to skill-specific foreign language tasks (i.e., speaking, listening, reading, and writing) across five levels of university foreign language coursework. A total of 206 participants in 12 university Spanish classrooms (ranging from Beginning Spanish I to Intermediate Spanish II) were surveyed for this study. The findings revealed that students who have higher levels of skill-specific foreign language anxieties provided corresponding lower ratings on skill-specific foreign language self-efficacies. Analyses also revealed that students’ ratings for foreign language anxiety for each foreign language-learning skill were not significantly different across the five levels of coursework. However, students’ ratings of foreign language self-efficacies for each foreign language-learning skill were significantly different across different levels of coursework.


Este estudio investiga las diferencias entre la ansiedad y la autoeficacia del estudiante relacionada con destrezas lingüísticas específicas (expresión oral, comprensión auditiva, comprensión lectora y expresión escrita) en cinco niveles de cursos de lengua extranjera de nivel universitario. Un total de 206 participantes repartidos en 12 grupos de cursos de español (español básico I y español intermedio II) fueron encuestados para este estudio. Los resultados revelan que los estudiantes que presentan un nivel más alto de ansiedad en el desarrollo de destrezas específicas de la lengua extranjera, mostraron una puntación más baja en la autoeficacia durante el desarrollo de las mismas destrezas. Este análisis también indica que la categorización de la ansiedad de los estudiantes por las destrezas realizadas en las lenguas extranjeras no fue significativamente distinta en los cinco niveles de los trabajos realizados. Por el contrario, la valoración en la autoeficacia de los estudiantes por cada destreza aprendida en la lengua extranjera fue significativamente distinta a lo largo de los diferentes niveles de los cursos.

This mixed-methods study investigates the use of synchronous video computer-mediated communication (SVCMC) in a U.S. university’s Spanish-as-a-foreign-language curriculum. Using the SVCMC platform TalkAbroad, the university’s Spanish program required second-year students to participate in five, 30-minute, SVCMC conversations with Spanish first language (L1) speakers. Students then reflected on their SVCMC conversations by replaying the recorded audio from those sessions and transcribing passages of their conversations. Using an interactionist perspective, this research explores the utility of: (1) the SVCMC conversations, and (2) the subsequent listening/transcription activity by examining students’ reported noticing of linguistic items (e.g. L1 speaker vocabulary, grammar, etc.). Additionally, we report students’ general perceptions of engaging in SVCMC with TalkAbroad. Students’ noticing and perceptions were investigated using a combination of two questionnaires (N = 35) that were administered following (1) the SVCMC, and (2) the listening/transcription activity, along with semi-structured interviews (n = 10). Findings suggest both the SVCMC and listening/transcription activities are effective in promoting the noticing of vocabulary and content, but not grammar. Finally, students generally reported positive perceptions of engaging in SVCMC for the purposes of L2 learning. Related implications for pedagogy and curriculum design are discussed.

This article investigates the three-way interface between foreign language anxiety (FLA), cognition and performance in Spanish L2 oral tasks, and examines qualitatively the construct of task anxiety (TA) in relation to its three interconnected facets: affective, cognitive and behavioral. 51 low-proficiency university learners of L2 Spanish performed two narrative tasks manipulated in their cognitive demands. Results revealed TA negatively affected certain functions of learners’ L2 cognition, especially at the attentional level and in word retrieval, highlighting the important role of L2 self-esteem in oral production tasks. This study advocates for a pedagogical approach that implements both curricular and individual aspects from a task-based language teaching perspective. It further emphasizes the importance of raising awareness of the interrelated emotional, cognitive and performance dimensions of the L2 learner, and how these may manifest in TA during oral task performance.


Este artículo examina la interfaz entre la ansiedad en la lengua extranjera, la cognición y el desempeño en las tareas orales en español como L2, y examina de forma cualitativa el constructo de la ansiedad de tarea en relación con sus tres facetas interconectadas: la afectiva, la cognitiva y la conductual. 51 aprendices universitarios con un nivel inicial de competencia en español realizaron dos tareas narrativas orales manipuladas en sus demandas cognitivas. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que la ansiedad de tarea afectaba de forma negativa a varios procesos cognitivos del aprendiz, especialmente en el área de la atención y el acceso léxico, destacando el importante papel de la autoconfianza en las tareas de producción oral. Esta investigación propone un enfoque pedagógico que implemente tanto aspectos curriculares como aquellos ligados a factores individuales del aprendizaje, centrándose en comprender la interrelación entre las dimensiones afectivas, cognitivas y de desempeño de la tarea en el aprendiz de español.

Task-based language teaching (TBLT) is an empirically investigated pedagogy that has garnered attention from language programs across the globe. TBLT provides an alternative to traditional grammar translation or present-practice-produce pedagogies by emphasizing interaction during authentic tasks. Despite several previous meta-analyses investigating the effect of individual tasks or short-term task-based treatments on second language (L2) development, no studies to date have synthesized the effects of long-term implementation of TBLT in authentic language classrooms. The present study uses meta-analytic techniques to investigate the effectiveness of TBLT programs on L2 learning. Findings based on a sample of 52 studies revealed an overall positive and strong effect (d = 0.93) for TBLT implementation on a variety of learning outcomes. The study further examined a range of programmatic and methodological features that moderated these main-effects (program region, institution type, needs analysis, and cycles of implementation). Additionally, synthesizing across both quantitative and qualitative data, results also showed positive stakeholder perceptions towards TBLT programs. The study concludes with implications for the domain of TBLT implementation, language program evaluation, and future research in this domain.

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World language teachers have historically relied on the notion of teaching methods to inform elements of design and procedure in their instructional practice. Teacher beliefs about teaching methods, however, have been shown to be significantly influenced by their context, including their institution and their learners. This phenomenon has led some scholars to identify a postmethod condition, where teachers prioritize making responsive, principled decisions about instruction based on their context. This qualitative study investigated the patterns and realities of the postmethod condition in practice through the lens of teacher beliefs about teaching methods, focusing on ten secondary-level world language teachers of French and Spanish in the USA. Data sources included a survey about teaching methods, in-depth interviews, and classroom observations. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, multiple phases of coding, and integrating analysis of the three sources. Findings indicated that teachers in this group largely identified as adhering to one main teaching approach, with eight of the ten self-identifying as using primarily comprehensible input and/or TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) methods. However, through investigating their beliefs about grammar and accuracy; the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking; the importance of input and output; and instructional flow, we found that the teachers examined and reexamined their teaching methods regularly, largely due to the influences of their learners and their institution. The relationship between the teachers’ beliefs and practices was mediated by context-driven instructional decision-making, indicating the presence of a postmethod condition.

This study examines whether second-language instructors of Spanish overuse subject personal pronouns (SPPs) to facilitate communication with their English-speaking students, which would be a form of teacher talk. Ten native Spanish-speaking language instructors were recorded in two speech contexts: teaching a third-semester Spanish class to native English-speaking learners and talking with another native Spanish speaker. Logistic regression analyses using GoldVarb revealed that SPP expression was strongly conditioned both by the classroom as a speech context and by the linguistic factors including morphological ambiguity of the verb and switch reference. Crucially, instructors’ language in the classroom exhibited elevated and modified use of overt SPPs. This finding contributes to research on the variable use of Spanish SPPs, and it has important pedagogical implications for the acquisition of verbal morphology in the classroom context.


Este estudio examina si los profesores de español como segunda lengua aumentan la frecuencia en el uso de pronombres personales sujeto (SPPs) para facilitar la comunicación con sus estudiantes de habla inglesa, lo cual sería una forma de teacher talk o habla propia del profesor. Para ello, se grabó a diez profesores nativos de español en dos contextos discursivos: enseñando una clase de español a estudiantes anglófonos y hablando con un hablante nativo de español. El análisis de regresión logística en GoldVarb reveló que la expresión de los SPPs se encuentra fuertemente condicionada por el medio de instrucción o aula como contexto discursivo y por factores lingüísticos como la ambigüedad morfológica del verbo o el cambio de referencia. Resulta de crucial importancia que el habla de los profesores en el aula mostrara un uso elevado y modificado de SPPs explícitos. Los resultados de este estudio contribuyen a la investigación del uso variable de SPPs y poseen importantes implicaciones pedagógicas para la adquisición de la morfología verbal del español en el contexto del aula.

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Multimodal input – which combines written, auditory, and/or visual modalities – is pervasive in everyday life and could serve as a source of rich input in language teaching. In recent years, research has determined that vocabulary learning is one of the clear benefits of being exposed to such input. Regrettably, only a handful of studies have investigated whether and how second language (L2) teachers approach multimodal input in teaching. To further contribute to the research–practice dialogue, we examined factors that influence L2 teachers’ use of multimodal input in L2 teaching. This qualitative case study presents an in-depth analysis of interview data derived from 21 practitioners in various L2 teaching contexts globally. Following three rounds of data analysis, 24 factors were identified and are presented in four themes. The results indicate that teachers: (1) paid close attention to their students’ needs and goals; (2) drew on their own learning and teaching experiences and training supported by research-based practices; (3) relied on sound pedagogical principles; and (4) faced a number of contextual challenges relevant to their curricula and teaching contexts.

The growing popularity of online language learning means that both experienced language professionals and novices are developing and delivering all or part of their language classes online. This study set out to query practicing online language educators as to how they view themselves; that is, their professional vision of themselves and their craft. One hundred seventy-four online language educators responded to a survey, nine of whom also participated in a synchronous online interview. Responses to questions regarding professional vision varied by stance (teacher-, student-, content-, and medium-centric) with the majority of respondents reporting viewing themselves chiefly as student-centered in their work. Pervasive descriptors of professional vision—comprised of individual stances and qualities, along with how these are enacted in practice—paint a vibrant picture of professionalism in online language education. Respondents report valuing authentic and multimodal affordances, opportunities for tailored instruction/feedback, and highly productive interactions with students, interactions otherwise not feasible in live classrooms. Variations in professional vision are discussed along with implications for online language educator support and development.

In this paper we focus on the relationship between Spanish compounding and derivation on the one hand, and anaphoric relations involving null and overt subjects, on the other, in order to argue that a pedagogical grammar of Spanish for non-native speakers should take into consideration: (i) universal approaches to the analysis of Spanish which also depict its specific structural properties; (ii) psycholinguistic proposals on how Spanish morphosyntactic structures are acquired and processed; and (iii) empirical research that provides information about the learnability principles and the mechanisms involved in the acquisition of Spanish grammar. This threefold approach draws from developments that have taken place in this century. First, linguistic theory has refined the “universal” principles and parameters approach developed to account for similarities and differences between languages. This means that the parameters that were central to Chomsky's and Chomsky and Lasnik's Principles and Parameters model co-exist now with the feature accounts that characterize Chomsky's Minimalist Program, allowing us to undertake sophisticated research on the representation of language in the mind, language contact, and language acquisition. Second, recent studies on processing and interfaces involving different languages allow us to compare native and non-native speakers' linguistic abilities beyond strict grammatical competence. Finally, research on language acquisition informs us not only about the idiosyncratic nature of any given interlanguage but also about the characteristics interlanguages share with natural languages.


En este trabajo partimos de la relación entre los procesos morfológicos que se conocen como composición y derivación así como de las relaciones anafóricas que establecen los sujetos implícitos y los sujetos explícitos con objeto de proponer que una gramática pedagógica dirigida a hablantes no nativos debe de tener en cuenta: (i) un análisis del español de corte universal que a su vez tenga en cuenta las propiedades estructurales específicas de esta lengua; (ii) propuestas de la psicolingüística sobre cómo se adquieren y procesan las estructuras morfosintácticas del español; y (iii) datos de investigaciones empíricas que proporcionen información sobre los principios y los mecanismos que forman parte de la adquisición de la gramática del español. Este triple acercamiento se nutre de propuestas lingüísticas que ocupan un lugar destacado en este siglo. En primer lugar, se ha precisado la teoría “universal” de los principios y parámetros que se propuso para dar cuenta de las similitudes y diferencias entre las lenguas. Esto significa, por un lado, que los parámetros que ocupaban un lugar central en el modelo de Principios y Parámetros de Chomsky y Chomsky y Lasnik coexisten ahora con los rasgos formales que son los protagonistas del Programa Minimista de Chomsky. Esto nos permite llevar a cabo investigaciones más precisas sobre la representación del lenguaje en la mente y el contacto y la adquisición de lenguas. En segundo lugar, los estudios recientes sobre el procesamiento y las interfaces en distintas lenguas nos permiten ir más allá de la mera competencia cuando comparamos las habilidades lingüísticas de hablantes nativos y no nativos. Finalmente, y partiendo de los estudios sobre la adquisición del lenguaje, podemos abordar no solo la naturaleza idiosincrática de una interlengua dada sino también las características que las interlenguas comparten con las lenguas naturales.

This article chronicles the teaching and learning of Spanish in the United States (US) preschool through college (preK-16) from the 1800s to the present day and beyond. National and local policies, initiatives, and practices are reviewed as well as program and curricular models and methodologies at each educational level: pre-kindergarten through elementary school; junior high, middle, and high school; college and university. From the 1800s until the 1980s, teaching and learning Spanish was steeped in tradition, incorporating predominantly grammar translation and reading great works of literature. Some exceptions to instruction included the Berlitz method and the audiolingual methods. An enrollment crisis in the 1970s propelled change in instructional delivery. These innovations were guided by research that then informed the creation of local, state, and national policies and initiatives. More research needs to be conducted to understand how diverse types of learners can become proficient in Spanish. In addition, investigations must focus on what constitutes best practices for teachers to use to tap all learners' highest potential. Finally, the conclusion of this article reveals conditions and challenges that will influence the future of Spanish language teaching and learning in the US.


Este artículo presenta un panorama de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lengua española en los Estados Unidos a partir de 1800 hasta la actualidad y en el futuro. Se examinan políticas, iniciativas y prácticas a nivel nacional y local, así como los modelos de programas, currículum y metodologías en cada nivel educativo: pre-kindergarten, escuela primaria, escuela media, escuela secundaria y universidad. Desde 1800 hasta 1980, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español estuvieron anclados en la tradición, predominantemente ligada a la gramática, la traducción y la lectura de grandes obras literarias, con algunas excepciones como el método Berlitz y el método audiolingual. Una crisis en la matrícula de cursos de español en los años 70 del siglo pasado impulsó diversos cambios en su instrucción. En gran parte, estas innovaciones derivaron de la investigación que propició el desarrollo de políticas e iniciativas a nivel local, estatal y nacional. Se precisa más investigación para comprender cómo diferentes tipos de aprendiz pueden llegar a dominar la lengua española. Asimismo, la investigación debe enfocarse en aquellas prácticas docentes que permitan sacar el máximo partido del potencial de los alumnos. Por último, la conclusión plantea condiciones y desafíos que influirán el futuro de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la lengua española en los Estados Unidos.

It has been argued that a learner’s L1 articulatory tendency to produce an American English “retroflex” tongue shape as opposed to a “bunched” one can facilitate Spanish trill acquisition. This is because the American English retroflex is articulated by moving the tongue apex towards the alveolar ridge, while the “bunched” articulation is produced by moving the tongue apex down in the opposite direction to the trill. This study examines this articulatory hypothesis by analyzing the tongue shape of two anglophone learners of Spanish. Ultrasound visualization was employed to create individual lessons centered on: (a) each learner’s type of tongue-shape errors and (b) conducive tongue gestures for trill production. The results illustrate that the participant who presented articulatory tendencies similar to retroflex-like articulations did not show as much improvement as the participant who initially produced a bunched tongue shape. The present study concludes that trill production is affected more by the difficulties associated with motoric learning than with transference of primary language (L1) articulatory tendencies per se.


Se ha argumentado que la tendencia articulatoria a producir una rótica “retrofleja” en inglés estadounidense en lugar de una “bunched” puede facilitar la adquisición de la /r/ del español. Esto es debido a que la rótica “retrofleja” en inglés estadounidense se articula moviendo la punta de la lengua hacia la región alveolar mientras que en la “bunched” el ápice de la lengua se mueve hacia abajo, el cual es un movimiento contrario al de la /r/ del español. Se examina esta hipótesis articulatoria por medio de un análisis de los movimientos de la lengua de dos aprendices de español anglohablantes. La visualización por ultrasonido se empleó para crear lecciones individualizadas centradas en: (a) los errores en la forma de la lengua de cada participante, así como (b) gestos de lengua propicios para la producción de la vibrante. Los resultados ilustran que el participante que presentó tendencias articulatorias similares a las de una lengua “bunched” mostró mejores resultados después de la instrucción que el participante que produjo una vibrante con la lengua retrofleja. El estudio concluye que la producción de vibrantes se ve afectada más por las dificultades relacionadas con el control motor que por la transferencia de las tendencias articulatorias de la L1 per se.

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This paper aims at understanding the extent to which languages are taught collaboratively in higher education (HE), which team teaching (TT) models have been implemented, and what lessons were learnt from the experiences. Following the Arksey and O’Malley framework [2005. “Scoping Studies: Towards a Methodological Framework.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 8 (1): 19–32.], a scoping review was conducted to map TT practices in HE language classrooms around the world. The review uses narrative analysis to describe those practices and provides an overview of the settings in which the studies were undertaken, the characteristics and models of TT applied, the outcomes and recommendations as well as the implications for practice in relation to language teaching and learning in HE. The results reveal that TT in this context is currently fluid, experimental, innovative and non-traditional, and therefore it is rather an ad-hoc strategy which is mostly practised to enrich teachers’ professional development or to enhance students’ language learning experience and cultural understanding. This study offers a comprehensive global picture of a collaborative experimental teaching practice in HE using a scoping review approach rare in the field of language teaching and learning but critical for identifying innovative practices.

Richard Kern (2014)

Globalization and networking technologies have transformed the contexts, means, and uses of foreign language learning. The Internet offers a vast array of texts, ?lms, music, news, information, pedagogical resources, sounds, and images from around the world as well as unprecedented opportunities for direct communication with native speakers in real time. However, the very technology that delivers the sematerials and interactions can produce subtle mediational effects that can influence how learners evaluate and interpret them. Focusing first on technological mediation broadly, and then on the specific ccontext of desktop videoconferencing in a telecollaboration project, this article outlines the benefits and the potential pitfalls that computer mediation presents for the learning of languages and cultures. Specific attention is given to the question of what it means to mediate the foreign culture through interfaces that are familiar from one’s home culture. The principal argument is that the dynamics ofonline language learning call for a relational pedagogy that focuses on how medium and context interact with language use. The goal of such an approach is to expose students to a broader scope of symbolic inquiry, to connect present text-making practices with those of the past, and to foster a critical perspective that will prepare young people to understand and shape future language and literacy practices.

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Los análisis de la representación de los géneros en materiales de ELE se han visto limitados hasta ahora por los métodos de recuento manual. El presente estudio abandona estos métodos y analiza la representación de los géneros en un corpus compuesto por 47 lecturas graduadas para estudiantes de ELE aplicando técnicas básicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural basadas en el trabajo de Lucy, Demszky, Bromley y Jurafsky (2020). Se examinan las diferencias en el espacio dedicado a cada uno de los géneros y su evolución en el tiempo. Asimismo, se analiza el valor explicativo del sexo de los protagonistas sobre la distribución de menciones de hombres y mujeres. Los resultados muestran que, incluso cuando el protagonismo es compartido, las mujeres aparecen representadas en menor medida. Esta investigación aporta además un set de herramientas de análisis automático de textos que queda a disposición de la comunidad para el análisis de otros textos o para su adaptación al análisis de diferentes aspectos de la lengua con el fin de profundizar en la caracterización de los materiales de ELE.

