Bibliografía - 2023

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The educational impact of Generative AI (GenAI) technologies, such as ChatGPT, has received significant attention. We use the TPACK framework to discuss the types of knowledge teachers require to effectively use GenAI tools. We highlight the qualities of GenAI that make it like other digital technologies (they are protean, opaque, and unstable) as well as qualities that make it revolutionary (namely, they are generative and social). We describe how these traits affect specific knowledge domains (TK, TPK, TCK, XK, and TPACK) and explore implications for educators. Finally, we argue for a more expansive description of Contextual Knowledge (XK), going beyond the immediate context to include considerations of how GenAI will change individuals, society and, through that, the broader educational context.

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La complejidad semántica y combinatoria de los denominados verbos pseudocopulativos de cambio —ponerse, hacerse, quedarse y volverse— los convierte en formas gramaticales de elevada dificultad, tanto para el aprendiz de ELE, como para el docente, que ha de conocer las pautas de su comportamiento semántico y sintáctico. Su inclusión dentro del inventario gramatical del Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes en los niveles B1 y B2 hace que sean tratados en muchos de los manuales y gramáticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje de español de niveles intermedios. En este trabajo se aborda un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo del tratamiento gramatical que reciben estos verbos en una muestra de materiales, formada por cinco libros de texto de enseñanza de español de nivel intermedio y cinco gramáticas. El análisis descriptivo permite identificar las tendencias metodológicas a la hora de enseñar estas unidades gramaticales y proporciona información sobre el estado actual de los materiales didácticos de español.

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En la última década, las posibilidades que ofrecen hoy las TIC han aumentado drásticamente la exposición de los estudiantes a diversos textos digitales que utilizan o a los que están expuestos cuando adquieren una lengua extranjera. Los medios impresos se han visto complementados o incluso a veces sustituidos por los medios digitales en todos los niveles de la enseñanza, incluidos los planes de estudio de la enseñanza superior y universitaria. En los últimos tiempos se han llevado a cabo diversas investigaciones sobre el papel de los medios digitales en la adquisición de L2 y este artículo pretende resumir sistemáticamente los resultados de dichas investigaciones, centrándose específicamente en la comprensión lectora. Esta revisión sistemática sigue las directrices PRISMA (Page et al., 2021). Se han recopilado y analizado los estudios de 2010-2021 de Scopus y de Web of Science que tratan el tema. Sólo se han incluido en la búsqueda estudios experimentales en artículos de revistas de investigación revisados por pares. Aplicando este protocolo de revisión, se seleccionaron 15 trabajos para realizar una síntesis. Los resultados se clasificaron en: (a) efecto de los medios en la comprensión lectora, (b) implicaciones pedagógicas, (c) futuras direcciones de investigación. El estudio concluye con algunas discusiones e implicaciones para investigadores y profesionales desde dos perspectivas: la adquisición básica o fundamental de segundas lenguas (FSLA, en sus siglas en inglés) y la adquisición instruida de segundas lenguas (ISLA, en sus siglas inglés).


The current affordances of ICT have – in the past decade – dramatically increased the exposure of students to the number of various digital texts they use or are exposed to when acquiring an additional language. The print media has been supplemented or even sometimes substituted by the digital media at all levels of education, including higher education and university curricula. Various research has recently been conducted into the role of digital media in L2 acquisition and this paper attempts to systematically summarize the results of this research, with a specific focus on reading comprehension. This systematic review follows the PRISMA guidelines (Page et al., 2021). The 2010-2021 studies from Scopus and the Web of Science dealing with the topic have been collected and analysed. Only experimental studies in peer-reviewed research journal papers have been included in the search. By applying this protocol review, 15 papers were selected for a synthesis. The results were classified as: (a) effect of media on reading comprehension, (b) pedagogical implications, (c) future research directions. The study concludes with some discussion and implications for researchers and practitioners from two perspectives: basic or fundamental Second Language Acquisition (FSLA) and instructed Second Language acquisition (ISLA).

This study focuses on understanding language teachers’ lived experiences of their stressors and positive uplifts from a holistic perspective covering their professional lives in school, their personal lives beyond, and the connection between the two. The aim was to explore the nature of teachers’ experiences of stress and how they spilled over from work into home domains. We also were keen to understand the dynamics of their experiences of stress and how their perception of daily stressors was related to their overall sense of wellbeing as well as their life and chronic stressors. The data were collected via a specially created app, which collected survey data and experience sampling method (ESM) data from language teachers across the globe. Teachers’ wellbeing was investigated using the PERMA Profiler (Butler & Kern, 2016), their personality using Goldberg’s (1992) Big Five measurement tool, and a questionnaire on chronic stressors and stressful life events. From a larger sample (n = 47), a set of 6 case studies of teachers who scored highly for wellbeing and those who scored low on wellbeing was examined to explore in depth and across time, the relationships between overall wellbeing, chronic stressors and stressful life events, the experience of daily stressors, and perceptions of health. The findings point to the complexity of the relationships between stress, wellbeing, and health as well as the dynamism of stress and the relationships between stress experienced in the workplace and at home. The study has important implications for research in this area and reveals the merits of working with this innovative data collection tool.

Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction presents an approach to teaching pronunciation which aims for learners to internalize the “voices” (complexes of linguistic and non-linguistic features that embody particular speakers’ emotion, social stance, and group identification) of proficient speakers of the second language (L2). Beginning with a review of “bottom-up” and “top-down” approaches to second language acquisition (SLA) research and pronunciation teaching, the authors present previously published and new findings in interlanguage phonology and variationist approaches to SLA showing the powerful impact of sociolinguistic context on L2 pronunciation. On the basis of this review, the authors argue that a top-down approach which begins with social context is preferable in both the research and teaching of L2 pronunciation. They highlight the Mirroring Project as one such approach that includes the social factors impacting L2 pronunciation, such as interlocutor, empathy, and nonverbal elements. With accompanying instructional activities that have been used in a variety of teaching and learning settings in the U.S., the authors demonstrate how this project can help language learners modify their L2 pronunciation patterns and improve their intelligibility as they internalize and channel the voices of speakers they have selected as models.

The audience for the volume includes language teachers, particularly those desiring to use top-down pedagogical approaches like the Mirroring Project to improve learners’ intelligibility, and academic researchers interested in studying the way adults can acquire second language phonology by holistically adopting and channeling the voices of speakers they admire. The book is also of potential interest to language teacher educators, curriculum developers, and textbook writers.

Chapter 1
Introduction to Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction

Chapter 2
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Theories of Second-Language Acquisition 

Chapter 3
Top-Down Research on Interlanguage Phonology

Chapter 4
Research on the Impact of Internalized Voices on Interlanguage Phonology 

Chapter 5
Top-Down Pronunciation Pedagogies with a Focus on Voice and Intelligibility 

Chapter 6
The Mirroring Project [+]92-132


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An artificial intelligence-based chatbot, ChatGPT, was launched in November 2022 and is capable of generating cohesive and informative human-like responses to user input. This rapid review of the literature aims to enrich our understanding of ChatGPT’s capabilities across subject domains, how it can be used in education, and potential issues raised by researchers during the first three months of its release (i.e., December 2022 to February 2023). A search of the relevant databases and Google Scholar yielded 50 articles for content analysis (i.e., open coding, axial coding, and selective coding). The findings of this review suggest that ChatGPT’s performance varied across subject domains, ranging from outstanding (e.g., economics) and satisfactory (e.g., programming) to unsatisfactory (e.g., mathematics). Although ChatGPT has the potential to serve as an assistant for instructors (e.g., to generate course materials and provide suggestions) and a virtual tutor for students (e.g., to answer questions and facilitate collaboration), there were challenges associated with its use (e.g., generating incorrect or fake information and bypassing plagiarism detectors). Immediate action should be taken to update the assessment methods and institutional policies in schools and universities. Instructor training and student education are also essential to respond to the impact of ChatGPT on the educational environment.

Few studies have analyzed the writing features of second language (L2) alongside heritage language (HL) learners of Spanish. Focusing on the development of writing complexity, we collected data from students at the beginning and at the end of a composition sequence. Comparing the groups at the outset revealed HL students’ greater mood complexity. After 14 weeks, both groups improved in tense complexity, mean essay length, and lexical sophistication. Our findings suggest that, given sufficient time, both HL and L2 students can progress in similar ways in at least some measures of linguistic complexity. Nevertheless, they might gain from instruction that facilitates new and diverse vocabulary, and the construction of longer sentences. L2 students specifically would benefit from greater emphasis on the subjunctive. Our study supports the claim that achieving writing complexity takes time and comes in stages, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of L2 and HL writing development.


Pocos estudios analizaron las características de la escritura en aprendices de español como segunda lengua (L2) junto a hablantes de herencia (HH). Enfocándonos en el desarrollo de la complejidad escrita, recabamos datos al principio y al final de una secuencia de composición. Al comparar los grupos al comienzo del curso observamos una mayor complejidad de modo verbal en los HH. Después de 14 semanas, los dos grupos mejoraron en el tiempo verbal, largo del ensayo y sofisticación léxica, lo que demuestra que progresan de forma similar en algunas medidas. No obstante, hay áreas que podrían mejorarse: un mayor énfasis en vocabulario nuevo y diverso, y fomentar el largo de las oraciones; para los L2 además se recomienda más práctica del subjuntivo. Esta investigación apoya la idea de que la complejidad escrita requiere tiempo y ocurre en etapas, contribuyendo a nuestro conocimiento de las trayectorias de desarrollo escrito en estos grupos.


Ponencia impartida en las XI Jornadas didácticas de ELE en Madrid Difusión - Centro de Lenguas UPM, celebradas el 10 y 11 de marzo de 2023.

Se analiza qué es la Inteligencia Artificial, su potencial en educación y enseñanza de lenguas y cómo podemos prepararnos para la incorporación de la IA y otras tecnologías en contextos educativos y de aprendizaje.

