Bibliografía - VV. AA.


VV. AA. (2019)

This book demonstrates the positive impact of using film and audiovisual material in the language classroom. The chapters are evidence-based and address different levels and contexts of learning around the world. They demonstrate the benefits of using moving images and films to develop intercultural awareness and promote multilingualism, and suggest Audiovisual Translation (AVT) activities and projects to enhance language learning. The book will be a valuable continuing professional development resource for language teachers and those involved in curriculum development, as well as bringing the latest research, theory and pedagogical techniques to teacher training courses.

Carmen Herrero and Isabelle Vanderschelden: Introduction

Part I. Film Literacy and Languages

Chapter 1. Kieran Donaghy: Using Film to Teach Languages in a World of Screens

Part II. Multilingualism, Intercultural Awareness and Competence

Chapter 2. Brian Tomlinson: Developing Intercultural Awareness through Reflected Experience of Films and Other Visual Media

Chapter 3. Isabella Seeger: Addressing 'Super-Diversity' in the Language Classroom through Film and Peer-Generated YouTube Content

Chapter 4. Anne-Laure Dubrac : Playing the Part: Media Re-Enactments as Tools for Learning Second Languages

Part III. Audio-visual Translation and Subtitling

Chapter 5. Melissa Cokely and Carmen Muñoz: Vocabulary Acquisition through Captioned Videos and Visual Prompts

Chapter 6. Joan C. Mora and Eva Cerviño-Povedano: The Effects of Bimodal L2 Input on the Processing of Function Words by Spanish EFL Learners: an Eye-Tracking Study

Chapter 7. Anca Daniela Frumuselu: A Friend in Need Is a Film Indeed'. Teaching Colloquial Expressions through Television Series and Subtitling

Chapter 8. Rosa Alonso Pérez: Enhancing Student Motivation through Film Subtitling Projects

Chapter 9. Juan Pedro Rica Peromingo and Ángela Sáenz Herrero: Audiovisual Translation (AVT) Modes as a L2 Learning Pedagogical Tool: Traditional Modes and Linguistic Accessibility

Part IV. Teacher Training and Resources

Chapter 10. Jelena Bobkina and Elena Dominguez: Teaching the Teachers: Double Proposals/Film-based Teaching in Higher Education

Chapter 11. Mark Goodwin: An Analysis of The Success of the 'Cultural Topic' at A Level

Chapter 12. Stavroula Sokoli and Patrick Zabalbeascoa Terrán: Clipflair In Language Learning: Theory and Practice

Afterword. Carmen Herrero: Present and Future Directions for Video, Film and Audiovisual Media in Language Teaching

VV. AA. (2016)

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Versión en dos volúmenes.

Contiene 9 capítulos, cada uno de ellos escrito por reconocidos autores del campo de la lingüística aplicada.

1. Epistemología; 

2. El proceso de aprendizaje; 

3. La competencia comunicativa; 

4. Los objetivos y el proceso de enseñanza; 

5. Los contenidos; 

6. Las habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas; 

7. El proceso de evaluación; 

8. Aplicaciones de las nuevas tecnologías; 

9. Las enseñanzas del español con fines específicos.

VV. AA. (2013)

The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors.

The first version of WALS was published as a book with CD-ROM in 2005 by Oxford University Press. The first online version was published in April 2008.

The 2013 edition of WALS corrects a number of coding errors especially in Chapters 1 and 3. A full list of changes is available  here.

Starting with the 2013 edition of WALS, we will release and publish sets of corrections periodically. Thus, any citation of WALS Online 2013 should include the particular version, as listed on Zenodo.

WALS Online is a publication of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. It is a separate publication, edited by Dryer, Matthew S. & Haspelmath, Martin (Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 2013). The main programmer is Robert Forkel.

