Bibliografía - John Benjamins Publishing Company

VV. AA. (2003)

"The Handbook of Pragmatics Online provides up-to-date information on research in the field of linguistic pragmatics, conceived as the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, and cultural) science of natural language use. This electronic encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updatable source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The Handbook of Pragmatics Online is variously searchable and flexible to meet the needs of both beginners and established scholars in the field.

It consists of topical articles (from anaphora and bilingualism to codeswitching, cohesion, discourse markers, implicitness, mass media, negation, social institutions, and terms of address) and brief biographies of eminent scholars (such as Austin, Bühler, Grice, Morris, Sapir).

In addition, it offers an extensive overview of research traditions that belong or have contributed to pragmatics (from accommodation theory, analytical philosophy and anthropological linguistics, to cognitive linguistics, construction grammar, conversation analysis, discourse analysis, literary pragmatics, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, relevance theory, sociolinguistics, speech act theory, and universal and transcendental pragmatics, to name just a few), of research methods (from contrastive analysis and corpus analysis to ethnography, experimentation, logical analysis, statistics, and taxonomy), and of notation systems (from formal semantics to transcription systems for spoken discourse)."

VV.AA. (2024)

La integración de la pronunciación en el aula de ELE es una obra colectiva de 23 especialistas que abordan la enseñanza de la pronunciación del español como lengua adicional desde distintas perspectivas con el fin de enriquecer su didáctica. El objetivo es mostrar que la pronunciación encuentra su lugar en el aula de lenguas integrada con los contenidos y destrezas presentes en la enseñanza de idiomas, desde la ortografía, el léxico y la gramática hasta la pragmática y las actividades comunicativas de la lengua. Este libro incluye, además, diversas consideraciones sobre metodología de enseñanza, evaluación, tecnología y factores sociales y afectivos que interactúan con el aprendizaje de la pronunciación del español. Todos los capítulos ofrecen una panorámica de su área de especialidad que contiene la investigación más reciente sobre pronunciación junto con recomendaciones de buenas prácticas docentes para llevar al aula de ELE, estableciendo un fructífero puente entre los estudios sobre este tema y la didáctica del español.
This is a collective work by 23 specialists that addresses the teaching of Spanish pronunciation as an additional language from various perspectives to enhance its instruction. The aim is to show that pronunciation belongs in the language classroom, integrated with the content and skills present in language teaching, from spelling, vocabulary, and grammar to pragmatics and communicative activities. Furthermore, the book includes considerations on teaching methodology, assessment, technology, and social and affective factors that influence the learning of Spanish pronunciation. Each chapter offers an overview of its area of expertise, containing the latest research on pronunciation along with recommendations for best teaching practices in the ELE classroom, establishing a valuable bridge between studies on this subject and the didactics of Spanish.

