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This guide is an exploration of ChatGPT for higher education, written with help from ChatGPT during the prewriting, writing and revising phases of this project. I reviewed, revised and edited this text. I verified the originality of this work through a plagiarism check on Grammarly, and I take responsibility for the content in this document. In writing this guide, I learned about writing with ChatGPT and what prompts ChatGPT to excel and what causes ChatGPT to generate less helpful text. The objectives and content of this guide are tailored to the areas of strength and for an audience of academics who are exploring and expanding their own use of ChatGPT.

This guide is neither a final nor definitive guide to ChatGPT for higher education. Please consider this guide as a starting point rather than a comprehensive guide to all uses of ChatGPT.

Let this be a demonstration of the capabilities of the latest generation of chatbot technology, bringing awareness of what is possible as AI-powered chatbot technology transforms university teaching and learning. It is designed to help you understand the potential benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT in higher education, and to equip you with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about how to use it in your own teaching, learning and beyond.

This guide will teach you:
1. How ChatGPT can help college students, educators and professionals with writing, communication and learning.

2. How to write effective prompts so ChatGPT can help.

3. Best practices for using ChatGPT in a responsible and ethical manner.

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Esta Guía de inicio rápido presenta a ChatGPT, una herramienta de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) que ha arrasado en todo el mundo, alcanzando los 100 millones de usuarios sólo dos meses después de su lanzamiento. La Guía de inicio rápido ofrece una visión general del funcionamiento de ChatGPT y explica cómo puede utilizarse en la educación superior. La guía plantea algunos de los principales retos e implicaciones éticas de la IA en la educación superior y ofrece medidas prácticas que las instituciones de educación superior pueden adoptar Esta Guía de inicio rápido se publicó en abril de 2023. La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) es un campo en rápido desarrollo.

Esta guía se basa en GPT-3.5, la última versión gratuita de ChatGPT disponible en el momento de redactar este documento. Además de los cambios dinámicos en la tecnología, las implicaciones éticas de ChatGPT y otras formas de IA también avanzan rápidamente. Se recomienda a los lectores que consulten constantemente fuentes fiables para conocer las últimas noticias y actualizaciones.

VV. AA. (2005)

En la presente antología de textos se incluyen una serie de artículos cuyas reflexiones, técnicas y sugerencias nos remiten a claves con las que favorecer y enriquecer el aprendizaje de español segunda lengua para alumnos de procedencia inmigrante, en contextos reglados y no reglados. Los artículos seleccionados así como las restantes referencias bibliográficas, tratan esencialmente dos áreas, muy presentes hoy en la didáctica de lenguas: el componente afectivo y la didáctica intercultural. Ambas consideraciones giran alrededor del individuo y de sus mecanismos de aprendizaje y por tanto constituyen una fuente constante de reflexiones e ideas sobre las que se asientan toda una serie de líneas de actuación con profundas implicaciones en los planteamientos didácticos de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas.

Muchas de las conclusiones que el lector extraerá al leer esta antología son también aplicables a otros destinatarios, sea cual sea su procedencia y los variados contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en los que se encuentre. Al hablar de identidad, de factores individuales, de actitud positiva hacia las lenguas, de culturas de aprendizaje, de creencias, de estilos de aprendizaje, de emociones y de sentimientos, de autoestima, no estamos delimitando estos conceptos al contexto de la inmigración, sino defendiendo y enfatizando las importantes repercusiones que pueden desencadenar estas claves en la enseñanza de idiomas y por tanto también, en el español segunda lengua a personas inmigradas.


VV. AA. (2005)

En esta antología de textos sobre formación de palabras en la clase de ELE se incluyen artículos que, desde diversas perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas, abordan algunas cuestiones que deben ser atendidas por el profesor de ELE a la hora de tratar en clase los fenómenos de lexicogénesis en español como lengua extranjera.

Debe señalarse que el tratamiento de la formación de palabras es una de las cenicientas de la didáctica del español como lengua extranjera y que, por desgracia, no se le ha dedicado, ni en reflexiones teóricas ni en aplicaciones prácticas, la atención que sin duda merece. Es llamativo, por ejemplo, que se sigan presentando en algunos manuales de ELE simples listas de prefijos o de sufijos ordenados alfabéticamente a pesar de que esta sistematización no conduce a ningún resultado satisfactorio para la enseñanza o el aprendizaje de las palabras derivadas en español, ya que ese modo de presentación no se corresponde con la organización de carácter asociativo que parece regir la estructura del lexicón mental.

Aun cuando la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las palabras que surgen de los procedimientos de lexicogénesis en español debe fijarse a través de su inclusión, como léxico, en diversas actividades comunicativas, la importancia innegable de la lexicogénesis —y su tradicional olvido tanto en los manuales de ELE como en los estudios didácticos y metodológicos sobre aspectos diversos relacionados con ELE— justifican una presentación de algunos de los escasos artículos y estudios que se han dedicado específicamente a este tema en español.


VV. AA. (2005)

La antología está dividida en tres bloques temáticos diferenciados. En el primero se tratan aspectos concretos sobre la adquisición/aprendizaje de lenguas por inmigrantes, en el segundo el aprendizaje en niños y jóvenes y, en el tercero, el aprendizaje en adultos.

Pero aquí, antes que el inmigrante como sujeto de aprendizaje, lo que nos interesa es analizar el contexto social en el que se aprende y se usa la nueva lengua.

Así, en el bloque de adquisición/aprendizaje lo que pretendemos es describir el modo en que los componentes contextuales influyen en eldominio de una nueva lengua. En el caso de niños y jóvenes, hablar de aprendizaje y uso de la lengua es hacerlo del contexto escolar en el que transcurre buena parte de su jornada diaria. Pero también, el contexto hace referencia a las prácticas educativas que tienen lugar en los programas de instrucción formal. En este sentido, en el último bloque tratamos aspectos relacionados con la metodología de segundas lenguas y en concreto con la enseñanza de lenguas a analfabetos.


Vídeo de la jornada didáctica organizada por la Universidad de Columbia, Barnard College y Edinumen USA que se realizó el 5 de noviembre de 2022.

Estos son sus contenidos:

  • Aarón Pérez-Bernabeu
    Cinco preguntas de pronunciación y una petición desesperada
  • M.ª Mar Galindo
    Factores sociales en la identidad del aprendiz de lenguas: diversidad e inclusión en el aula
  • María del Carmen Méndez
    Ay, cómo hemos cambiado: el antes y el después de la pandemia del Covid-19 y el aprendizaje de lenguas

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An artificial intelligence-based chatbot, ChatGPT, was launched in November 2022 and is capable of generating cohesive and informative human-like responses to user input. This rapid review of the literature aims to enrich our understanding of ChatGPT’s capabilities across subject domains, how it can be used in education, and potential issues raised by researchers during the first three months of its release (i.e., December 2022 to February 2023). A search of the relevant databases and Google Scholar yielded 50 articles for content analysis (i.e., open coding, axial coding, and selective coding). The findings of this review suggest that ChatGPT’s performance varied across subject domains, ranging from outstanding (e.g., economics) and satisfactory (e.g., programming) to unsatisfactory (e.g., mathematics). Although ChatGPT has the potential to serve as an assistant for instructors (e.g., to generate course materials and provide suggestions) and a virtual tutor for students (e.g., to answer questions and facilitate collaboration), there were challenges associated with its use (e.g., generating incorrect or fake information and bypassing plagiarism detectors). Immediate action should be taken to update the assessment methods and institutional policies in schools and universities. Instructor training and student education are also essential to respond to the impact of ChatGPT on the educational environment.

What is eye tracking? Why is it important for linguistics? How can I use it in my own research project?

Answering these questions and more, this book guides you through one of the most exciting and innovative research methods in the field of linguistics. Divided into three parts, the chapters first offer an historical introduction and a foundational overview to the neurology and physiology of the eye and the common measurements and tools used in eye tracking. They then provide a guide to the applications of eye tracking most pertinent to linguists (reading, the visual-world paradigm, social eye tracking, and classroom applications), followed by a step-by-step process to plan, execute, analyze and report your research project in eye tracking. The book covers topics such as reading, lexical and syntactic processing, mind wandering, second language acquisition, and AAC devices, and includes statistical tools and how to write up results. Each chapter also includes self-study questions and a range of applied case studies.

Supported by a glossary of key terms, suggestions for further reading, and material to aid self-study, Eye Tracking in Linguistics is the only book you need to provide a solid foundation for your own research project.

Table of Contents
Part I: The Basics
1. Historical Development
2. Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye
3. The Visual System in the Brain
4. Eye Tracking Basics
Part II: Applications
5. Reading
6. The Visual World Paradigm
7. Social Eye Tracking
8. Classroom attention and Lx Teaching
9. Applications in Related Fields
Part III: Using Eye-Tracking
10. Planning an Eye Tracking Study
11. Principles of Statistical Analysis

Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction presents an approach to teaching pronunciation which aims for learners to internalize the “voices” (complexes of linguistic and non-linguistic features that embody particular speakers’ emotion, social stance, and group identification) of proficient speakers of the second language (L2). Beginning with a review of “bottom-up” and “top-down” approaches to second language acquisition (SLA) research and pronunciation teaching, the authors present previously published and new findings in interlanguage phonology and variationist approaches to SLA showing the powerful impact of sociolinguistic context on L2 pronunciation. On the basis of this review, the authors argue that a top-down approach which begins with social context is preferable in both the research and teaching of L2 pronunciation. They highlight the Mirroring Project as one such approach that includes the social factors impacting L2 pronunciation, such as interlocutor, empathy, and nonverbal elements. With accompanying instructional activities that have been used in a variety of teaching and learning settings in the U.S., the authors demonstrate how this project can help language learners modify their L2 pronunciation patterns and improve their intelligibility as they internalize and channel the voices of speakers they have selected as models.

The audience for the volume includes language teachers, particularly those desiring to use top-down pedagogical approaches like the Mirroring Project to improve learners’ intelligibility, and academic researchers interested in studying the way adults can acquire second language phonology by holistically adopting and channeling the voices of speakers they admire. The book is also of potential interest to language teacher educators, curriculum developers, and textbook writers.

Chapter 1
Introduction to Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction

Chapter 2
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Theories of Second-Language Acquisition 

Chapter 3
Top-Down Research on Interlanguage Phonology

Chapter 4
Research on the Impact of Internalized Voices on Interlanguage Phonology 

Chapter 5
Top-Down Pronunciation Pedagogies with a Focus on Voice and Intelligibility 

Chapter 6
The Mirroring Project [+]92-132


VV. AA. (2023)

Canal de Youtube del IX Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (CILE), que se celebró en Cádiz (España) entre el 27 y el 30 de marzo de 2023. En él se recogen  los vídeos de todas las sesiones del evento.

This mixed-methods study investigates the use of synchronous video computer-mediated communication (SVCMC) in a U.S. university’s Spanish-as-a-foreign-language curriculum. Using the SVCMC platform TalkAbroad, the university’s Spanish program required second-year students to participate in five, 30-minute, SVCMC conversations with Spanish first language (L1) speakers. Students then reflected on their SVCMC conversations by replaying the recorded audio from those sessions and transcribing passages of their conversations. Using an interactionist perspective, this research explores the utility of: (1) the SVCMC conversations, and (2) the subsequent listening/transcription activity by examining students’ reported noticing of linguistic items (e.g. L1 speaker vocabulary, grammar, etc.). Additionally, we report students’ general perceptions of engaging in SVCMC with TalkAbroad. Students’ noticing and perceptions were investigated using a combination of two questionnaires (N = 35) that were administered following (1) the SVCMC, and (2) the listening/transcription activity, along with semi-structured interviews (n = 10). Findings suggest both the SVCMC and listening/transcription activities are effective in promoting the noticing of vocabulary and content, but not grammar. Finally, students generally reported positive perceptions of engaging in SVCMC for the purposes of L2 learning. Related implications for pedagogy and curriculum design are discussed.

Despite substantial advances in the field of instructed second language acquisition (SLA) with regard to our understanding of second language (L2) pronunciation development and pedagogy, many language instructors continue to report a lack of confidence in incorporating pronunciation instruction (PI) into their classes. This survey study examined 100 Spanish instructors’ perceptions of the usefulness of various types of knowledge, skills, and approaches to PI, as well as their confidence in those domains, and the extent to which their previous training in teaching methods was related to their ratings of usefulness and confidence. After running principal components analyses to identify factors in the survey data, we fit mixed-effects models to each factor, then delved more deeply into some descriptive trends to offer recommendations for professional development opportunities. The latter results suggested that Spanish teachers might have greater appreciation for, as well as confidence in, focusing on segmentals over suprasegmentals, practice activities over assessment, perception assessment over production assessment, and implicit over explicit feedback. Consistent with previous research, some of the highest confidence levels were expressed regarding controlled techniques, alongside relatively low confidence in familiarity with research. Concerning metalinguistic tools, respondents seemed to value diagrams and descriptions over terminology and transcription, but they viewed these tools as less useful than perception, production, and communication practice. While greater training was often associated with higher perceptions of usefulness and confidence, there were cases where respondents with the least training showed the highest confidence. These results suggest some key priorities for teacher training.

Heritage speakers are native speakers of a minority language they learn at home, but due to socio-political pressure from the majority language spoken in their community, their heritage language does not fully develop. In the last decade, the acquisition of heritage languages has become a central focus of study within linguistics and applied linguistics. This work centres on the grammatical development of the heritage language and the language learning trajectory of heritage speakers, synthesizing recent experimental research. The Acquisition of Heritage Languages offers a global perspective, with a wealth of examples from heritage languages around the world. Written in an accessible style, this authoritative and up-to-date text is essential reading for professionals, students, and researchers of all levels working in the fields of sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, education, language policies and language teaching.

1. Introduction
2. Heritage languages and heritage speakers
3. The language of heritage speakers
4. The bilingual development of heritage speakers
5. Theoretical approaches
6. Methodological considerations
7. How native are heritage speakers?
8. Are heritage speakers like second language learners?
9. Implications.

En arXiv

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Dictionaries are one of the oldest and most used linguistic resources. Building them is a complex task that, to the best of our knowledge, has yet to be explored with generative Large Language Models (LLMs). We introduce the "Spanish Built Factual Freectianary" (Spanish-BFF) as the first Spanish AI-generated dictionary. This first-of-its-kind free dictionary uses GPT-3. We also define future steps we aim to follow to improve this initial commitment to the field, such as more additional languages.

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El modelo descriptivo que se adopta en el presente documento se basa en el concepto de competencia docente descrito y en las competencias identificadas en el documento del Instituto Cervantes Las competencias clave del profesorado de lenguas segundas y extranjeras (2012), elaborado a partir la investigación realizada por el Instituto Cervantes ¿Qué es ser un buen profesor o una buena profesora de ELE? (2011).

Como resultado de la validación que se hace en los centros del Instituto Cervantes (en 2017 y 2018) de una primera descripción del profesor en fase inicial de desarrollo –donde se recogía una visión holística y analítica del docente–, se identifican unas capacidades y acciones clave susceptibles de ser observadas en la actuación de este profesor, lo que constituye, junto con la descripción holística de este docente, la base sobre la que se sustenta el examen DAD Autónomo. 

