Bibliografía - inglés

This study explores the literacy development of students who speak Spanish as a heritage language and who participate in mandatory, peer-to-peer tutoring sessions outside of the classroom. We explore students’ academic development as well as their self-positioning as heritage speakers in a bilingual academic setting. Drawing on Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), we analyze the written production of seven bilingual students enrolled in a Native Speaker Program at a large, public university. We focus on the development of their academic language through the support of a heritage language tutor and explore the role of the peer tutor as a facilitator in this process. Additionally, we employ Appraisal Theory to analyze interviews in which the same participants explore their bilingual identities and how they position themselves interpersonally as a result of conversations held with a peer mentor, thus demonstrating the benefits of learning Spanish as a heritage language through peer-led learning in academic contexts.


Este estudio explora el desarrollo de la lectoescritura de estudiantes de español como lengua heredada que participan en sesiones de tutorías individuales y obligatorias fuera de la clase. Su objeto consiste en analizar no solamente el desarrollo académico de estos estudiantes, sino también su posicionamiento como hablantes de lengua heredada en contextos profesionales bilingües. La Lingüística Sistémico-Funcional ha sido aplicada para analizar las producciones escritas de siete estudiantes inscritos en un programa de español para hablantes de herencia en una universidad pública. El análisis se centra en el desarrollo del lenguaje académico con el apoyo de los tutores y explora su rol como facilitadores a medida que los estudiantes adoptan características del lenguaje académico. Además, se utiliza la Teoría de la Valoración para analizar las entrevistas en las que los propios participantes exploran sus identidades bilingües y cómo se posicionan en el plano interpersonal a través de su colaboración con el tutor. El estudio demuestra las ventajas de las tutorías en el aprendizaje del español como lengua heredada en el ámbito académico.

We present a selective review of studies on Romance languages wherein acceptability experiments played an important role in advancing our knowledge of the grammars of particular linguistic varieties and, by extension, furthering our knowledge of human language and linguistic theory. First, we examine recent studies on word order in wh-questions across varieties of Spanish. Next, we examine the value of acceptability experiments in the study of infrequent structures (e.g. clitic left-dislocation, focus fronting). We highlight the importance of data triangulation by examining studies of information focus in Spanish, emphasizing the impact that methodological choices can have on results. We also examine control and raising structures in Brazilian Portuguese, where conflicting results have required innovative methodological approaches. Since acceptability intuitions may be uniquely nuanced for minority languages, we also briefly discuss how data that is typically used in other theoretical paradigms can contribute to data triangulation with lesser-spoken Romance varieties.

Extended oral production has seldom been used to explore adjectival and verbal agreement in L2 Spanish. This study examines oral narrations to compare the agreement behavior, speech rates, and patterns of errors of highly proficient Spanish heritage and L2 learners (early and late bilinguals, respectively), whose L1 is English, with those of native controls. Although both bilingual groups displayed high agreement accuracy scores, only the early bilinguals performed at or close to ceiling. In addition, the L2 learners spoke significantly more slowly than the heritage and native speakers, who displayed similar speech rates. Explanations accounting for the differences in speech rates and agreement accuracy include age of acquisition of Spanish, syntactic distance between a noun and its adjective, and task effects. All of these factors favored the early bilinguals, enhancing their advantages over L2 learners. Findings suggest that the integrated knowledge and automatic access needed for native-like attainment in agreement behavior in extended oral production is more easily achievable by early than by late bilinguals.

Luis Cerezo (2018)

Rooted in socio-constructivism, the present article investigates the effects of type of collaborative translation on Spanish L2 development, triangulating data from task performance, learning outcomes, and learners’ perceptions. Thirteen dyads of college students participated in a within-subjects repeated-measures experimental study, translating authentic texts in two ways: collaborating from the get-go and after working alone first. Results showed that while participants translated more lexical items accurately when working together from the get-go, both types of collaborative translation propelled similar learning gains in lexis and grammar. Of the two, only lexical learning was retained after one week. Participants, contrary to results, reported a clear preference for working alone first, which they perceived as more conducive to learning.


Este artículo investiga, desde una perspectiva socioconstructivista, los efectos del tipo de traducción colaborativa en el aprendizaje de español como L2, triangulando datos de la realización de la tarea, los resultados del aprendizaje y las percepciones de los aprendices. Trece parejas de universitarios participaron en un estudio experimental intrasujetos de medidas repetidas, traduciendo textos auténticos de dos maneras: colaborando desde el principio y después de trabajar individualmente. Los resultados indican que, si bien los participantes tradujeron más unidades léxicas correctamente al colaborar desde el principio, ambos tipos de traducción colaborativa propiciaron cotas de aprendizaje similares para léxico y gramática. De los dos, solo el aprendizaje léxico fue retenido una semana más tarde. Los participantes, contrariamente a los resultados obtenidos, manifestaron una clara preferencia por trabajar solos primero, modalidad que percibieron como más efectiva pedagógicamente.

In recent years, Heritage Language Programs have been attracting more and more attention in the European academic and educational policy contexts. In Germany, many efforts are being undertaken to foster the teaching of heritage languages in schools. This paper provides an overview of the teaching of Spanish as a Heritage Language in Germany through the long-established Program ‘Spanish Culture and Language Lessons’ (Aulas de Lengua y Cultura Españolas) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education for school-aged Spanish heritage speakers. The principal objectives of the study are to analyze the main fostering and constraining factors to participate in this program and to propose improvement measures. To achieve these purposes, a mixed quantitative and qualitative research methodology has been used. The findings are discussed according to these main topics arising during the research process: reasons for students to participate and learning needs, teaching challenges, family implication, relationship with the regular formal education system, blended learning, linguistic and culture diversity. Moreover, improvement measures for this Spanish Heritage Language program are suggested. The main conclusions may be useful for heritage language teachers and program managers in other heritage language (HL) programs in Germany and more generally in Europe.

Both applied cognitive linguistics (ACL) researchers and linguists, and language instructors and professionals looking for a comprehensive and innovative access to ACL from the direct point of view of applied L2 Pedagogy, will find this Element to be of interest. There is great demand for quality teaching materials, a need for guidance on how to design them and which technology tools are of value. This Element takes a theoretical approach to that design while offering direct examples and tips for practitioners and researchers. Questions about empirical studies are explored, probing prominent empirical research, and the author provides promising evidence to support their recommendations on assetment-task design for future research. Linguists, researchers, linguistics students, graduate academic programs, and teachers of L2 languages alike will find value in this Element.

1. L2 Language Teaching versus the Linguistics of L2
2. The Realized Potential of Applied Cognitive Linguistics
and L2 Instruction 
3. Methodological Aspects and Resources
4. Cognitive Pedagogical Design
5. Cognitive Empirical Design
6. Conclusions

En American Educator vol. 28 - 1

Artículo en inglés
Artículo en español

Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field of researchers from psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, and anthropology who seek to understand the mind. In this regular American Educator column, we consider findings from this field that are strong and clear enough to merit classroom application.


It is difficult to overstate the value of practice. For a new skill to become automatic or for new knowledge to become long-lasting, sustained practice, beyond the point of mastery, is necessary. This column summarizes why practice is so important and reviews the different effects of intense short-term practice versus sustained, long-term practice.

En American Educator vol. 27 - 2

Texto en inglés
Texto en español

Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field of researchers from psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, and anthropology who seek to understand the mind. In this regular American Educator column, we consider findings from this field that are strong and clear enough to merit classroom application.


The teacher presents a strong, coherent lesson in which a set of significant facts is clearly connected to a reasonable conclusion. But, at test time, the students show no understanding of the connections. Some students parrot back the conclusion, but no facts. Others spit back memorized facts, but don't see how they fit together. Though the lesson wasn't taught in a rote way, it seems like rote knowledge is what the students took in. Why do well-integrated, coherent lessons often come back to us in a less meaningful, fragmented form? Can cognitive science help explain why this result is so common—and offer ideas about how to avoid it?

En American Educator vol. 28 - 2

Artículo en inglés
Artículo en español

Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field of researchers from psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, and anthropology who seek to understand the mind. In this regular American Educator column, we consider findings from this field that are strong and clear enough to merit classroom application.


I have read that the mind treats stories differently than other types of information. It seems obvious that people like listening to stories, but it's not obvious how to use that in the classroom. Is it really true that stories are somehow "special" and, if so, how can teachers capitalize on that fact?

Research from the last 30 years shows that stories are indeed special. Stories are easy to comprehend and easy to remember, and that's true not just because people pay close attention to stories; there is something inherent in the story format that makes them easy to understand and remember. Teachers can consider using the basic elements of story structure to organize lessons and introduce complicated material, even if they don't plan to tell a story in class.

En American Educator vol. 27 - 4

Artículo en inglés
Artículo en español

Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field of researchers from psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, and anthropology who seek to understand the mind. In this regular American Educator column, we consider findings from this field that are strong and clear enough to merit classroom application.


Very often, students will think they understand a body of material. Believing that they know it, they stop trying to learn more. But, come test time, it turns out they really don't know the material. Can cognitive science tell us anything about why students are commonly mistaken about what they know and don't know? Are there any strategies teachers can use to help students better estimate what they know?

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Este estudio aborda la cuestión de la transferencia de la investigación en la adquisición de segundas lenguas (SLA) a la instrucción de segundas lenguas y lenguas extranjeras (L2), más concretamente en el marco del Enseñanza de Lenguas Basada en Tareas (TBLT). El objetivo principal es mostrar cómo la herramienta web taskGen (, cuyo primer uso es la creación de materiales didácticos, también funciona como medio para la transferencia y proporciona información valiosa sobre  prácticas de enseñanza, necesidades de los profesores, estrategias pedagógicas y diseño de tareas en L2.

En primer lugar, se presenta taskGen como una herramienta web que ayuda y forma a los profesores en el diseño de tareas L2 e integra recursos de procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP); a continuación, se muestra cómo la información cuantitativa obtenida a través del análisis de datos a partir del uso masivo de la herramienta se puede combinar con métodos cualitativos como entrevistas, observaciones, protocolos de opinión en vivo, cuestionarios, estudios de casos y transcripciones para generar investigación. La recopilación automática (cuantitativa) de datos recoge información de los contextos de enseñanza, los objetivos de las tareas, las estructuras del flujo de tareas, las opciones de atención en la forma, y el acceso a los archivos de ayuda. La información recopilada, además de retroalimentar la herramienta, contribuye a comprender las opciones y patrones en los diseños de los profesores, y a explorar la intersección entre la teoría SLA y TBLT, por un lado, y las prácticas de diseño de tareas, por otro. El análisis cualitativo que se lleva a cabo se orienta hacia las experiencias de los profesores durante el diseño de tareas. Finalmente, se presentan las líneas de investigación futuras que prevemos que se llevarán a cabo conforme crezca el uso de taskGen y se vayan implementando nuevas funcionalidades en la herramienta.


The present study addresses the issue of the transfer from second language acquisition (SLA) research to second and foreign language (L2) instruction, particularly within the context of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). The main goal of this article is to show how technology, particularly the web-based tool taskGen (, which primarily serves to create teaching materials, also functions as a mediator for transfer and provides valuable information on teaching practices, teachers' needs, pedagogical strategies, and L2 task design. This article is organised as follows. Firstly, a web-based tool that assists and trains teachers in L2 task design is presented, along with the instantiation and integration of natural language processing (NLP) resources in the tool; later, we show how quantitative information obtained from the massive use of the tool through data analytics can be combined with qualitative methods such as interviews, observations,  think  aloud  protocols,  questionnaires,  case  studies,  and  transcripts  to  generate  research. Automatic (quantitative) data collection gathers information of the teaching contexts, task aims, task flow structures, focus on form options, and the access and  time  on  help files.  Not only does the  collected information feed back to the tool, but it also contributes to understanding teachers' design choices and patterns,  and  to  exploring  the  intersection  between  SLA  and  TBLT  theory  and  task  design  practises.      Qualitative analysis is being conducted and oriented toward teachers’ experiences during task design. Finally, we present the future lines of research that we anticipate will be carried out with the further use and development of taskGen.

VV. AA. (2022)

Through the application of self-determination theory (SDT) to research and practice, this book deepens our understanding of how autonomous language learning can be supported and understood within environments outside of the classroom. Theoretical, empirical and practice-focused chapters examine autonomy support in a range of contexts and settings, dealing with learning environments and open spaces, communities and relationships, and advising and self-access language learning. They reveal what occurs beyond the classroom, how socializing agents support autonomous motivation and wellness, and how SDT can enhance our understanding of supporting language learner autonomy. It will be of interest to language teachers, university lecturers and learning advisors who are providing support outside the classroom, as well as to graduate students and researchers who are working in the fields of applied linguistics and TESOL.

Tables and Figures

Jo Mynard and Scott J. Shelton-Strong: Introduction: Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective                                                                                

Part 1: Theoretical Underpinnings

1. Johnmarshall Reeve: A Brief but Comprehensive Overview of Self-Determination Theory

2. Johnmarshall Reeve: What it Means to 'Take Ownership over One's Own Learning' in a Self-Determination Theory Analysis

Part 2: Autonomy Support in Learning Environments and Open Spaces

3. Ali Dincer and Tuba Isik: Understanding the Inner Motivational Resources of Language Learners' Out-of-class Technology Use for Language Learning

4. Xuan Hoang, Alice Chik, Ruth French and Sue Ollerhead: Vietnamese EFL Students' Out-of-classroom Motivation Viewed through Self-Determination Theory

5. Yanling Li, Jiaxiu Zhang and Pingying Hu: Autonomy-supportive Online EFL Writing: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective

6. Satoko Watkins: Creating Social Learning Opportunities Outside the Classroom: How Interest-based Learning Communities Support Learners' Basic Psychological Needs

Part 3: Autonomy Support in Communities and Relationships

7. Mustafa Firat, Kimberly A. Noels and Nigel Mantou Lou: Self-Determined Motivation in Language Learning beyond the Classroom: Interpersonal, Intergroup and Intercultural Processes

8. W.L. Quint Oga-Baldwin: The Quality of Our Connections Matters: Relationships Motivation Theory in Independent Language Learning

9. Satoko Kato: Establishing High-Quality Relationships through a Mentoring Programme: Relationships Motivation Theory

Part 4: Autonomy Support in Advising and Self-Access for Language Learning

10. Scott J. Shelton-Strong and Maria Giovanna Tassinari: Facilitating an Autonomy-Supportive Learning Climate: Advising in Language Learning and Basic Psychological Needs

11. Micòl Beseghi: Mindfulness and Advising in Language Learning: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective

12. Jo Mynard: Reimagining the Self-Access Centre as a Place to Thrive

Scott J. Shelton-Strong: Conclusion: Where to Go from Here?


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The development of learners’ pragmatic competence is considered one of several components of communicative competence and represents an important goal in Spanish language teaching and learning.

We offer a short literature review of theoretical and practical advances in pragmatics and Spanish language teaching,

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Esta Guía de inicio rápido presenta a ChatGPT, una herramienta de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) que ha arrasado en todo el mundo, alcanzando los 100 millones de usuarios sólo dos meses después de su lanzamiento. La Guía de inicio rápido ofrece una visión general del funcionamiento de ChatGPT y explica cómo puede utilizarse en la educación superior. La guía plantea algunos de los principales retos e implicaciones éticas de la IA en la educación superior y ofrece medidas prácticas que las instituciones de educación superior pueden adoptar Esta Guía de inicio rápido se publicó en abril de 2023. La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) es un campo en rápido desarrollo.

Esta guía se basa en GPT-3.5, la última versión gratuita de ChatGPT disponible en el momento de redactar este documento. Además de los cambios dinámicos en la tecnología, las implicaciones éticas de ChatGPT y otras formas de IA también avanzan rápidamente. Se recomienda a los lectores que consulten constantemente fuentes fiables para conocer las últimas noticias y actualizaciones.

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This guide is an exploration of ChatGPT for higher education, written with help from ChatGPT during the prewriting, writing and revising phases of this project. I reviewed, revised and edited this text. I verified the originality of this work through a plagiarism check on Grammarly, and I take responsibility for the content in this document. In writing this guide, I learned about writing with ChatGPT and what prompts ChatGPT to excel and what causes ChatGPT to generate less helpful text. The objectives and content of this guide are tailored to the areas of strength and for an audience of academics who are exploring and expanding their own use of ChatGPT.

This guide is neither a final nor definitive guide to ChatGPT for higher education. Please consider this guide as a starting point rather than a comprehensive guide to all uses of ChatGPT.

Let this be a demonstration of the capabilities of the latest generation of chatbot technology, bringing awareness of what is possible as AI-powered chatbot technology transforms university teaching and learning. It is designed to help you understand the potential benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT in higher education, and to equip you with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about how to use it in your own teaching, learning and beyond.

This guide will teach you:
1. How ChatGPT can help college students, educators and professionals with writing, communication and learning.

2. How to write effective prompts so ChatGPT can help.

3. Best practices for using ChatGPT in a responsible and ethical manner.

