VR4LL - Virtual Reality for Language Learning


VR4LL provides language teachers with an exciting new tool designed to help their learners improve their language skills, working together as a group.

The materials consist of four separate virtual worlds: space station, desert island, ancient Rome and ice world.

In each of these worlds students are given different tasks to complete. One student wears the headset, while other students in the group provide instructions and guidance – with help from their teacher where necessary. This means that effective communication between students (in the language they are studying) is absolutely necessary for the task to be completed successfully.

VR4LL also comes with a detailed set of Teacher Notes’ that include the instructions for each task, suggestions for which language items to focus on during the task, and ideas for both pre and post-task activities. All these suggestions are level specific and cross referenced to the CEFR.

VR4LL has been co-funded by an Erasmus+ grant.

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