Bibliografía - Luke Plonsky

Recientemente, una gran parte de la discusión entre especialistas en lingüística aplicada se ha centrado en el potencial de la enseñanza del vocabulario basada en corpus (también conocida como “aprendizaje basado en datos” [ABD]; Boulton 2010a). La investigación en esta área se sirve de la lingüística aplicada de corpus y es relevante para ella, así como para la adquisición y pedagogía de una segunda lengua (L2). Aun cuando ciertamente hay potencial para que el ABD guíe la práctica de vocabulario en la L2, como explicamos en detalle en este artículo, los estudios empíricos del ABD presentan limitaciones tanto teóricas como metodológicas. A pesar de estas limitaciones, vemos potencial en el ABD para orientar la pedagogía y contribuir a la teoría de adquisición de la L2. Por estas razones, este artículo también incluye una discusión de cómo y cuándo los profesores de español como L2 pueden considerar la adopción de técnicas del ABD en sus clases.


A great deal of discussion among applied linguists has centred in recent years on the potential of corpus-based vocabulary instruction (also referred to as data-driven learning or DDL; Boulton 2010a). Research in this area draws on and is relevant to applied corpus linguistics as well as second-language (L2) pedagogy and second language acquisition. Though there is certainly potential for DDL research to inform L2 vocabulary teaching practice, as described in detail in this article, the empirical studies of DDL have fallen short both theoretically and methodologically. Despite these limitations, we see potential in DDL to inform L2 pedagogy and to both draw from and contribute to SLA theory. For these reasons, this article also includes a discussion of how and when Spanish L2 teachers might consider adopting DDL techniques in their classrooms.

Research on the effects of second language (L2) listening strategy instruction (SI) has gained momentum in recent years (e.g. Vandergrift & Tafaghodtari, 2010). However, the reported results have been inconclusive and varied across studies. Synthesizing the results of quantitative research in this domain, the present meta-analysis sought to determine the overall effectiveness of L2 listening SI as well as to examine the extent to which the effectiveness of instruction is likely to vary as a function of a set of potential moderators (i.e. learning contexts, treatment types, methodological variables, and outcome measures). A comprehensive search identified 45 primary studies, contributing data from 51 independent samples on the effects of SI on L2 listening comprehension. The aggregated findings indicate a medium effect of listening SI (d = 0.69). These effects were also found to vary as a function of several moderator variables. Based on the obtained findings, L2 teachers are recommended to incorporate listening SI into L2 curricula. Pedagogical suggestions and directions for future research are provided in our discussion.
