Bibliografía - pronunciación


VV.AA. (2024)

La integración de la pronunciación en el aula de ELE es una obra colectiva de 23 especialistas que abordan la enseñanza de la pronunciación del español como lengua adicional desde distintas perspectivas con el fin de enriquecer su didáctica. El objetivo es mostrar que la pronunciación encuentra su lugar en el aula de lenguas integrada con los contenidos y destrezas presentes en la enseñanza de idiomas, desde la ortografía, el léxico y la gramática hasta la pragmática y las actividades comunicativas de la lengua. Este libro incluye, además, diversas consideraciones sobre metodología de enseñanza, evaluación, tecnología y factores sociales y afectivos que interactúan con el aprendizaje de la pronunciación del español. Todos los capítulos ofrecen una panorámica de su área de especialidad que contiene la investigación más reciente sobre pronunciación junto con recomendaciones de buenas prácticas docentes para llevar al aula de ELE, estableciendo un fructífero puente entre los estudios sobre este tema y la didáctica del español.
This is a collective work by 23 specialists that addresses the teaching of Spanish pronunciation as an additional language from various perspectives to enhance its instruction. The aim is to show that pronunciation belongs in the language classroom, integrated with the content and skills present in language teaching, from spelling, vocabulary, and grammar to pragmatics and communicative activities. Furthermore, the book includes considerations on teaching methodology, assessment, technology, and social and affective factors that influence the learning of Spanish pronunciation. Each chapter offers an overview of its area of expertise, containing the latest research on pronunciation along with recommendations for best teaching practices in the ELE classroom, establishing a valuable bridge between studies on this subject and the didactics of Spanish.


Pronunciaciones del español es una introducción accesible a la fonética y la fonología del español que destaca la diversidad de pronunciaciones empleadas en el mundo hispanohablante.

Con explicaciones claras y gráficos detallados, este libro guía al estudiante en el aprendizaje de conceptos claves de fonética articulatoria y acústica. El libro presta especial atención a la variación sociolingüística, a partir de ejemplos que cubren pronunciaciones típicas de variedades estándares y de variedades generalmente consideradas no normativas. Una abundante selección de ejercicios y actividades permite al estudiante reforzar la comprensión de conceptos claves y practicar las pronunciaciones comentadas. Un glosario bilingüe (español-inglés), archivos de audio y recursos pedagógicos se encuentran disponibles en línea.

El libro es idóneo para estudiantes de español de nivel avanzado y de lingüística hispánica y que buscan familiarizarse con las pronunciaciones de diferentes variedades de español.

1. La comunicación y el lenguaje
2. La fonética, la fonología y la ortografía
3. Los segmentos y elementos suprasegmentales
4. Los sonidos vocálicos
5. Los sonidos consonánticos
6. Las consonantes oclusivas sordas
7. Las consonantes fricativas y la consonante africada
8. Las consonantes nasales
9. Las consonantes oclusivas sonoras
10. Las consonantes laterales
11. Las consonantes vibrantes
12. Las consonantes aproximantes /ʝ/ y /w/
13. La acentuación
14. El silabeo y el resilabeo
15. La entonación

The goal of this work was to explore the training, classroom practices, and beliefs related to pronunciation of instructors of languages other than English. While several investigations of this type have been conducted in English as a second/foreign language contexts, very little is known about the beliefs and practices of teachers of languages other than English. It is unknown whether recent shifts to focusing on intelligibility, as advocated by some pronunciation scholars, are borne out in foreign language classrooms. To fill this gap, instructors of Spanish (n = 127), French (n = 89), and German (n = 80) teaching basic language courses (i.e. the first four semesters) at 28 large (e.g. more than 15,000 students), public universities in the United States completed an online survey reporting on their training, classroom practices, and beliefs. Similar to ESL/EFL contexts, the results indicated that instructors believe it is important to incorporate pronunciation in class and that it is possible to improve pronunciation. However, the findings also indicated that instructors have goals which simultaneously prioritize intelligibility and accent reduction. Implications include the need for research on which pronunciation features influence intelligibility in languages other than English and for materials designed to target these features.

VV. AA. (2016)

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This book spans the areas of assessment, second language acquisition (SLA) and pronunciation and examines topical issues and challenges that relate to formal and informal assessments of second language (L2) speech in classroom, research and real-world contexts. It showcases insights from assessing other skills (e.g. listening and writing) and highlights perspectives from research in speech sciences, SLA, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, including lingua franca communication, with concrete implications for pronunciation assessment. This collection will help to establish commonalities across research areas and facilitate greater consensus about key issues, terminology and best practice in L2 pronunciation research and assessment. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, this book will appeal to a mixed audience of researchers, graduate students, teacher-educators and exam board staff with varying levels of expertise in pronunciation and assessment and wide-ranging interests in applied linguistics.


Section 1: Introduction
1. Talia Isaacs and Pavel Trofimovich: Key Themes, Constructs, and Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Second Language Pronunciation Assessment

2. Luke Harding: What Do Raters Need In A Pronunciation Scale? The Users' View

Section 2: Insights from Assessing Other Language Skills
3. Kevin Browne and Glenn Fulcher: Pronunciation and Intelligibility in Assessing Spoken Fluency

4. Ute Knoch: What Can Pronunciation Researchers Learn From Research Into Second Language Writing?

5. Elvis Wagner and Paul Toth: The Role of Pronunciation in the Assessment of L2 Listening Ability

Section 3: Perspectives on Pronunciation Assessment from Psycholinguistics and Speech Sciences
6. Joan C. Mora and Isabelle Darcy: The Relationship between Cognitive Control and Pronunciation in a Second Language

7. Laura Ballard and Paula Winke: The Interplay of Accent Familiarity, Comprehensibility, Intelligibility, Perceived Native-Speaker Status, and Acceptability as a Teacher

8. Kazuya Saito, Pavel Trofimovich, Talia Isaacs and Stuart Webb: Re-Examining Phonological and Lexical Correlates Of Second Language Comprehensibility: The Role of Rater Experience

9. Evelina Galaczi, Brechtje Post, Aike Li, Fiona Barker and Elaine Schmidt: Assessing L2 Pronunciation: Distinguishing Features Of Rhythm in Learner Speech at Different Proficiency Levels

Section 4: Sociolinguistic, Cross-Cultural and Lingua Franca Perspectives in Pronunciation Assessment
10. Alan Davies: Commentary on the Native Speaker Status in Pronunciation Research

11. Stephanie Lindemann: Variation or 'Error'? Perception of Pronunciation Variation and Its Implications for Assessment

12. Sara Kennedy, Josée Blanchet and Danielle Guénette: Teacher-Raters' Assessments of French Lingua Franca Pronunciation

13. Andrew Sewell: Pronunciation Assessment in Asia's World City: Implications of a Lingua Franca Approach in Hong Kong

Section 5: Concluding Remarks
14. Pavel Trofimovich and Talia Isaacs: L2 Pronunciation Assessment: A Look at the Present and the Future

Despite substantial advances in the field of instructed second language acquisition (SLA) with regard to our understanding of second language (L2) pronunciation development and pedagogy, many language instructors continue to report a lack of confidence in incorporating pronunciation instruction (PI) into their classes. This survey study examined 100 Spanish instructors’ perceptions of the usefulness of various types of knowledge, skills, and approaches to PI, as well as their confidence in those domains, and the extent to which their previous training in teaching methods was related to their ratings of usefulness and confidence. After running principal components analyses to identify factors in the survey data, we fit mixed-effects models to each factor, then delved more deeply into some descriptive trends to offer recommendations for professional development opportunities. The latter results suggested that Spanish teachers might have greater appreciation for, as well as confidence in, focusing on segmentals over suprasegmentals, practice activities over assessment, perception assessment over production assessment, and implicit over explicit feedback. Consistent with previous research, some of the highest confidence levels were expressed regarding controlled techniques, alongside relatively low confidence in familiarity with research. Concerning metalinguistic tools, respondents seemed to value diagrams and descriptions over terminology and transcription, but they viewed these tools as less useful than perception, production, and communication practice. While greater training was often associated with higher perceptions of usefulness and confidence, there were cases where respondents with the least training showed the highest confidence. These results suggest some key priorities for teacher training.

It has been argued that a learner’s L1 articulatory tendency to produce an American English “retroflex” tongue shape as opposed to a “bunched” one can facilitate Spanish trill acquisition. This is because the American English retroflex is articulated by moving the tongue apex towards the alveolar ridge, while the “bunched” articulation is produced by moving the tongue apex down in the opposite direction to the trill. This study examines this articulatory hypothesis by analyzing the tongue shape of two anglophone learners of Spanish. Ultrasound visualization was employed to create individual lessons centered on: (a) each learner’s type of tongue-shape errors and (b) conducive tongue gestures for trill production. The results illustrate that the participant who presented articulatory tendencies similar to retroflex-like articulations did not show as much improvement as the participant who initially produced a bunched tongue shape. The present study concludes that trill production is affected more by the difficulties associated with motoric learning than with transference of primary language (L1) articulatory tendencies per se.


Se ha argumentado que la tendencia articulatoria a producir una rótica “retrofleja” en inglés estadounidense en lugar de una “bunched” puede facilitar la adquisición de la /r/ del español. Esto es debido a que la rótica “retrofleja” en inglés estadounidense se articula moviendo la punta de la lengua hacia la región alveolar mientras que en la “bunched” el ápice de la lengua se mueve hacia abajo, el cual es un movimiento contrario al de la /r/ del español. Se examina esta hipótesis articulatoria por medio de un análisis de los movimientos de la lengua de dos aprendices de español anglohablantes. La visualización por ultrasonido se empleó para crear lecciones individualizadas centradas en: (a) los errores en la forma de la lengua de cada participante, así como (b) gestos de lengua propicios para la producción de la vibrante. Los resultados ilustran que el participante que presentó tendencias articulatorias similares a las de una lengua “bunched” mostró mejores resultados después de la instrucción que el participante que produjo una vibrante con la lengua retrofleja. El estudio concluye que la producción de vibrantes se ve afectada más por las dificultades relacionadas con el control motor que por la transferencia de las tendencias articulatorias de la L1 per se.

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This article presents the Spanish version of the Computer-Assisted Listening and Speaking Tutor (CALST), an online platform that can be used to complement pronunciation training in the classroom. The Spanish CALST offers listening, speaking, and spelling exercises for Northern-Central Peninsular Spanish as an L2. Exercises are tailored by an automatic comparison with the learner’s native language based on a database of phonetically specified phoneme inventories for over 500 languages, with the result that learners with different L1s are exposed to different exercises adapted to their specific needs. In this article, we present a description of the exercises as well as the criteria used to develop Spanish content for CALST. We discuss the limitations of the platform, the logging of user results as a partial solution to these limitations, and the possible future use of the logged data to increase our understanding of L2 acquisition.

Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction presents an approach to teaching pronunciation which aims for learners to internalize the “voices” (complexes of linguistic and non-linguistic features that embody particular speakers’ emotion, social stance, and group identification) of proficient speakers of the second language (L2). Beginning with a review of “bottom-up” and “top-down” approaches to second language acquisition (SLA) research and pronunciation teaching, the authors present previously published and new findings in interlanguage phonology and variationist approaches to SLA showing the powerful impact of sociolinguistic context on L2 pronunciation. On the basis of this review, the authors argue that a top-down approach which begins with social context is preferable in both the research and teaching of L2 pronunciation. They highlight the Mirroring Project as one such approach that includes the social factors impacting L2 pronunciation, such as interlocutor, empathy, and nonverbal elements. With accompanying instructional activities that have been used in a variety of teaching and learning settings in the U.S., the authors demonstrate how this project can help language learners modify their L2 pronunciation patterns and improve their intelligibility as they internalize and channel the voices of speakers they have selected as models.

The audience for the volume includes language teachers, particularly those desiring to use top-down pedagogical approaches like the Mirroring Project to improve learners’ intelligibility, and academic researchers interested in studying the way adults can acquire second language phonology by holistically adopting and channeling the voices of speakers they admire. The book is also of potential interest to language teacher educators, curriculum developers, and textbook writers.

Chapter 1
Introduction to Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction

Chapter 2
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Theories of Second-Language Acquisition 

Chapter 3
Top-Down Research on Interlanguage Phonology

Chapter 4
Research on the Impact of Internalized Voices on Interlanguage Phonology 

Chapter 5
Top-Down Pronunciation Pedagogies with a Focus on Voice and Intelligibility 

Chapter 6
The Mirroring Project [+]92-132


The current study analyzes vowel quality production across the lexical factors of cognate status and timing of word introduction, the linguistic factor of vowel position (pre-tonic, tonic, or post-tonic), and individual factors including age of acquisition of Spanish and length of study abroad. Participants were 29 intermediate second language Spanish learners who completed an oral text reading task. Results found that learners pronounced vowels differently in early as compared to later introduced words and in tonic (stressed) position compared to unstressed (pre-tonic/post-tonic) position. However, cognate status and individual factors were in general not statistically significant. These results lead us to suggest that pronunciation instruction should ideally begin early in the acquisition process and include explanations of vowel production in unstressed syllables.


El presente estudio analiza la calidad de la producción vocálica en los factores léxicos de estatus de cognado, teniendo en cuenta cuándo se introdujo la palabra, el factor lingüístico de posición vocálica (pretónica, tónica o postónica), y algunos factores individuales como la edad de adquisición del español y la duración de estudios en el extranjero. En el experimento participaron 29 estudiantes de nivel intermedio de español como L2 que completaron una prueba de lectura oral de un texto. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes pronunciaban las vocales de manera diferente en las palabras introducidas temprano en comparación con las que fueron introducidas más tarde, y en posición tónica comparada con la átona (pretónica/postónica). El estatus de cognado y las variables independientes, por lo general, no fueron estadísticamente significativos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que para reforzar el proceso de adquisición de una L2, la enseñanza de la pronunciación debería comenzar temprano e incluir además explicaciones explícitas sobre la producción vocálica en las sílabas átonas.

Es posible que el lector de estas líneas se haya enfrentado, en alguna ocasión, con la experiencia de escuchar un fragmento de una ópera1 y no saber con exactitud en que lengua se está cantando (aunque se domine dicha lengua). En el caso de que así haya sido, nos encontraríamos con un posible ejemplo de lo que los especialistas denominarían «sordera fonológica»; es decir, la incapacidad para asociar un significado a los sonidos que estamos oyendo en ese momento, dejando a un lado, por razones expositivas, que se trata de una situación muy especial al estar condicionada por el valor estético que representa y el canal de transmisión utilizado, donde el mensaje lingüístico se mezcla con el musical produciendo distorsiones del primero.

Este ejemplo, a modo de introducción, solo pretende llamar la atención sobre los diferentes factores que intervienen en el análisis de un tema tan complejo como el que nos ocupa: el de la pronunciación y su papel en el aula de ELE. Sin embargo, el fin último de este trabajo es de un carácter mucho más general, ya que se propone reflexionar sobre la relación entre la teoría y la práctica partiendo de ese ejemplo en concreto, el de la enseñanza/aprendizaje de un objeto de tan «abstracto» como el de la pronunciación y las disciplinas lingüísticas involucradas en su estudio: la fonética y la fonología.

El presente trabajo partirá de la formulación de una pregunta (apartado 1) para seguir con la respuestas a la misma (apartado 2), después se presentará un caso práctico (apartado 3), basado en la dificultad que se presenta en los aprendientes argelinos de ELE con la distinción entre la /e/ y /i/ españolas; para finalmente (apartado 4) retomar la visión general de la diferencia entre un acercamiento teórico y uno práctico.

