Bibliografía - formación de profesores


Dirigido a profesionales de la enseñanza del español, profesores, formadores de profesores, investigadores y a futuros profesores de EFE.Amplia exposición de los principales conceptos de la lingüística textual acompañada de una serie de actividades que faciliten la asimilación de dichos conceptos. Se abordan aspectos fundamentales de la lingüística de del texto a lo largo de 6 capítulos. Se proponen una serie de actividades prácticas comentadas al final de cada capítulo que finalizan con una breve reflexión sobre la trascendencia de estos conceptos en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de ELE. Al final del libro se publica una bibliografía de referencia sobre estudios del texto/discursos y didáctica de LE / L2.

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The educational impact of Generative AI (GenAI) technologies, such as ChatGPT, has received significant attention. We use the TPACK framework to discuss the types of knowledge teachers require to effectively use GenAI tools. We highlight the qualities of GenAI that make it like other digital technologies (they are protean, opaque, and unstable) as well as qualities that make it revolutionary (namely, they are generative and social). We describe how these traits affect specific knowledge domains (TK, TPK, TCK, XK, and TPACK) and explore implications for educators. Finally, we argue for a more expansive description of Contextual Knowledge (XK), going beyond the immediate context to include considerations of how GenAI will change individuals, society and, through that, the broader educational context.

Language corpora can play a significant role in second language education, particularly given the benefits of data-driven learning. However, most teachers are not able to effectively utilize technologies that search, summarize, and contextualize corpus samples and lack training in the design and implementation of corpus-based learning tasks and materials. Even though attempts to implement formal teacher training in these areas have started to emerge, they tend to concentrate on English language contexts. Similar experiences in Spanish teacher education are almost non-existent, even though digital literacy is a key competency in the preparation of foreign language teachers. Consequently, Spanish language teachers can only rely on general suggestions on how to integrate corpus methods and resources into their practice. This article reviews the scholarly literature on teacher training on pedagogical uses of corpora and describes ways in which Spanish pre- and in-service teachers can be trained in the use of corpus tools.


Los corpus pueden jugar un papel importante en la formación de docentes de lenguas, sobre todo, por los beneficios del aprendizaje basado en datos de corpus. Sin embargo, el profesorado encuentra difícil utilizar efectivamente las tecnologías de búsqueda, resumen y contextualización de muestras lingüísticas al carecer de preparación en el diseño e implementación de actividades y materiales basados en corpus. Si bien están surgiendo modelos de formación docente, estos se concentran principalmente en la enseñanza del inglés. Experiencias similares en español son prácticamente inexistentes, a pesar de que la literacidad digital es una competencia clave en la preparación de docentes de segundas lenguas. Consecuentemente, el profesorado cuenta solamente con recomendaciones generales para integrar información de los corpus en la enseñanza. En este artículo se hace una revisión de estudios relevantes sobre la materia y se describen técnicas para el uso de los corpus por parte de docentes en formación y en servicio.

VV. AA. (2022)

This edited book expands the current scholarship on teaching world languages for social justice and equity in K-12 and postsecondary contexts in the US. Over the past decade, demand has been growing for a more critical approach to teaching languages and cultures: in response, this volume brings together a group of scholars whose work bridges the fields of world language education and critical approaches to education. Within the current US context, the chapters address the following key questions: (1) How are pre-service or in-service world language teachers/professors embedding issues, understandings, or content related to social justice, human rights, access, critical pedagogy and equity into their teaching and curriculum? (2) How are teacher educators preparing language teachers to teach for social justice, human rights, access and equity?



Editors' Note

Chapter 1. Cassandra Glynn and Beth Wassell: Rethinking our Introduction: Calling out Ourselves and Calling in Our Field            

Part 1: Disrupting Teaching Stance and Practice in the Classroom         

Chapter 2. Hannah Baggett: What Tension?  Exploring a Pedagogy of Possibility in World Language Classrooms

Chapter 3. Dorie Conlon Perugini and Manuela Wagner: Enacting Social Justice in World Language Education through Intercultural Citizenship

Chapter 4. Joan Clifford: Building Critical Consciousness through Community-based Language Learning and Global Health

Chapter 5. Krishauna Hines-Gaither, Nina Simone Perez, and Liz Torres Melendez: Voces Invisibles: Disrupting the Master Narrative with Afro Latina Counterstories

Chapter 6. Johanna Ennser-Kananen and Leisa M. Quiñones-Oramas: 'Sí, yo soy de Puerto Rico': A Teacher's Story of Teaching Spanish through and beyond her Latina Identity

Part 2: Resisting and Reworking Traditional World Language Teacher Preparation

Chapter 7. Terry Osborn: 'The World' Language Education: New Frontiers for Critical Reflection

Chapter 8. Anke al-Bataineh, Kayane Yoghoutjian, and Samuel Chakmakjian: Can Western Armenian Pedagogy be Decolonial? Training Heritage Language Teachers in Social Justice-Based Language Pedagogy

Chapter 9. Mary Curran: Learning from, with and in the Community: Community-Engaged World Language Teacher Education at Rutgers Graduate School of Education Urban Social Justice Program

Chapter 10. Jennifer Wooten, L. J. Randolph Jr., and Stacey Margarita Johnson: Enacting Social Justice in Teacher Education: Modeling, Reflection and Critical Engagement in the Methods Course


VV. AA. (2016)

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Versión en dos volúmenes.

Contiene 9 capítulos, cada uno de ellos escrito por reconocidos autores del campo de la lingüística aplicada.

1. Epistemología; 

2. El proceso de aprendizaje; 

3. La competencia comunicativa; 

4. Los objetivos y el proceso de enseñanza; 

5. Los contenidos; 

6. Las habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas; 

7. El proceso de evaluación; 

8. Aplicaciones de las nuevas tecnologías; 

9. Las enseñanzas del español con fines específicos.

