Bibliografía - Flavia Belpoliti

This article presents the results of a study focused on the management of the speech act of giving advice and its linguistic realizations by Spanish second-language learners and heritage learners enrolled on two advanced courses of Professional Spanish. We analyzed how two groups of students gave advice in three discourse completion tasks with different scenarios. Results indicate that both groups relied on a few basic structures with limited consideration of the proposed contexts, and highlight the need for a pragmalinguistic approach in Spanish for Health Care courses. We then propose a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the role of critical reflection, increases language competence beyond medical terminology, and focuses on an understanding of cultural parameters guiding health care interactions.


Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio que investiga la realización del acto de habla de aconsejar por parte de hablantes de herencia y aprendientes de segunda lengua inscritos en dos cursos de español profesional de nivel avanzado. Se analizó cómo los estudiantes daban consejos en tres tareas discursivas de diferentes situaciones comunicativas. Los resultados indican que ambos grupos utilizaron un número reducido de estructuras básicas y con una consideración limitada de las características específicas de cada contexto. Estos resultados señalan la necesidad de adoptar un enfoque pragmático para la enseñanza de español para las ciencias de la salud. Para ello, proponemos una aproximación pedagógica que promueve la reflexión crítica, incrementa la competencia lingüística y se centra en la comprensión de los parámetros que guían las interacciones en contextos relacionados con las ciencias de la salud.

Este estudio presenta los resultados de una metasíntesis cualitativa de las publicaciones de corte pedagógico en el campo de la enseñanza del español como lengua de herencia (ELH). El objetivo de la metasíntesis es proporcionar a educadores e investigadores una panorámica de la investigación pedagógica sobre el ELH en su estado actual e identificar sus puntos débiles con el objetivo de permitir y favorecer su progreso. A partir de un cotejo de investigaciones publicadas entre los años 2000 y 2017, en la metasíntesis se identifican las tendencias, los enfoques, las variables, los resultados y las limitaciones de los estudios pedagógicos del ELH. Asimismo, se destacan aquellas áreas que requieren una mayor atención por parte de los investigadores y se trazan posibles tendencias pedagógicas para el futuro.


This study presents the results of a qualitative metasynthesis conducted on teaching-oriented research publications for Spanish as a Heritage Language (SHL). The main goal of this metasynthesis is to provide teachers and researchers with a panoramic view of SHL pedagogical research in its current state and identify its blind spots in order to promote and favor its progress. Based on the analysis of studies published between the years 2000–2017, trends, approaches, variables, results, and limitations of SHL pedagogical research are identified. Moreover, relevant gaps in the research that need to be addressed are underscored, and possible future pedagogical trends are posited.

Spanish Heritage Learners' Emerging Literacy: Empirical Research and Classroom Practice introduces a comprehensive, multi-level empirical study on the writing abilities of Spanish Heritage Learners at the beginner level; the findings guide a broad selection of instructional activities and pedagogical resources to support writing development in the heritage language classroom.

This is the first book dealing exclusively with writing competence among Spanish Heritage Language Learners through the integration of empirical evidence and instructional perspectives to address core questions on heritage language literacy. In addition to the in-depth analysis of Spanish production—spelling, verb usage, grammatical features, vocabulary, and discourse organization—the volume revises the latest perspectives within the Heritage Language Education field, and provides effective teaching approaches, innovative classroom implementations, and up-to-date resources.

1. Heritage Languages and Spanish Heritage Language Speakers in the United States

2. Spanish Orthography in Heritage Language Writing

3. Spanish Verbs in Emerging Heritage Language Writing

4. Building Sentences in Spanish: Complexity, Fluency and Accuracy

5. Spanish Vocabulary Knowledge in Action

6. Discourse Competence and Emergent Argumentative Writing

7. Towards a Signature Curriculum for Spanish as a Heritage Language

8. Teaching and Learning Heritage Languages: New Directions, Enduring Questions
